a house check - I

~Capital; The Quill Estate~ 

Teresa felt super nervous even before she was out of bed. The feeling came to her just as her eyes opened and she did not feel good about that. 

"I can hear you thinking even in my sleep," Korr spoke up in his raspy voice making her look to her side, "why don't you go back to sleep? It is still early in the morning." 

Tessa sighed and shook her head as she returned her eyes back to the ceiling where she had been staring at previously. "I tried but failed." 

Korr reached out and placed his arm over her waist before pulling her to him. "You worry for no reason. Alexandier is coming today. So worry not because we are going to have every corner of the house checked."

That was exactly what did not put Tessa at ease. The witch or warlock as he claims to call himself was coming to their house and it groom owners inside her then ever.