A call from the north - I

~Back in the North~

Adeline gripped the phone tightly as the Bell rang and she waited for someone to pick up the phone. She had waited for some time before placing the call. Yet as the ringtone continued she could not help but regret the decision of making it. 

Was even going to pick it up? Why was he taking so long? 


"Uncle Korr?" Adaline sat up slightly at the voice of her uncle. 

"Adaline?" Korr whispered. "Darling, what are you upto? Aaj things that back there that you had to call me? If you want, I can come in the evening." 

"No, No," Adeline bit her lip. She let out a shaky sigh wandering on what to say. 

"I just wanted to talk about what happened in the recent days but I cannot tell you everything over the phone." 

"Okay," Korr drawled out carefully, "Well what is it that you want to say to me?"