A call from the heart - II

It was only a few rooms that they crossed before the staircase arrived and Elizabeth took her up two floors. 

She finally stopped in front of the room with a door that seemed to be thick. 

"Why is this door thicker than the others?" Adeline could not help but ask the question in her mind. The Other doors in the building were of normal build but this one seems to be even thicker than her hand. 

"We keep the wolves that are not to be disturbed here." Elizabeth answered with a glance at Adaline as she stood in front of the door. "These doors are thicker in nature along with the walls making it harder for sound to penetrate. At the moment we need to block out anything related to you from the Alpha." 

Wow, that did not sound pleasant to even hear. 

"Has he been there as long as I have been here?"