The aunt's protection - II

For this problem Tessa seriously could not rack her brain for an answer. If these two grown men do not trust each other then how was she a human supposed to make them do that? 

That's when she remembered that it was not just her problem. 

"I don't know," Tessa shrugged. "how about we just go to the palace and see about it? Xavier is in this problem as much as Adaline is and I think his parents might have a better input than us." 

Instead of waiting for all three of the men to say something or even acknowledge what she said Teresa walked past them and outside the house. The next stop she made was in front of the car because she did not have the keys. 

Only if she had remembered to brought them her exit would have been even more dramatic. 

Korr and the Warlock came outside and she could hear the jiggling of keys in his hand. Korr opened the head office and then rounded the car to sit in the driver's seat as the Warlock took the seat in the back.