The time for revelations - III

Adeline could not open her eyes. In fact she could not even look up. She had placed her forehead, in the middle of the conversation, on the wooden surface of the table after pushing the plate forward. 

There was no way that he would continue listening to the conversation. 

"What the fuck?" Xavier cursed loudly and Adaline did not even have the strength to reprimand him. 

"Exactly," Augustus added. It was after sometime that his parents had also joined. "Why would you not call us immediately when you gained knowledge of all of it?" 

Cassandra gave a bitter chuckle. "We could barely digest what was happening. How do you expect us to give you a call about... Something being there in your room that was just like you then ended up being dead? Rotten, in nature?" 

Adeline even heard her aunt favour the others in this. "We were barely coping with it. If we have to tell you about this, we need to have some kind of answers with us."