The strong bond - I

It was her aunt who had broken the silence. 

"Say that again young man," Tessa hissed, "my niece goes wherever she wants to." 

She was not afraid of any shifter even if it was the king himself. A child has already been through so much and services would be damned if she would let anyone else control what Adeline wanted to do. 

Adeline winced. Her aunt had gotten angry enough to blaze on anyone. 

Xavier growled loud enough to scare everyone into obedience and enough for Teresa's need to stand by her for protection. 

"Tessa," Korr hissed. "I think we can talk about it in private. There is no need for any of us—"

"No," the stubborn human did not back away, "let it be known that Adaline is not staying anywhere where she does not want to be." Her eyes remained on Xavier making it known to everyone that he was talking about him. 

The man glared at her. "Adeline is my marked mate. I have rights on her—" 

Tessa scoffed, " forcefully mar—"