The strong bond - III

Adaline felt the extreme warmth that was almost suffocating her. Desperate for some air, her eyes snapped open and she removed the blanket to her stomach only to notice that it was someone else that was giving her that warmth. 

It was the man that was sleeping next to her. 

Xavier had her snuggling to his chest and he was radiating more heat than necessary. 

He had his leg on top of her and his arms were wrapped around her body. 

For a moment she felt like she was a squishy to a grown ass man. 

"Um," she cleared her throat politely and tapped on his shoulder not wanting him to wake up abruptly. "Xavier, you need to let go."

Not to mention the fact that she suddenly felt the unbearable pressure building on her bladder and the weight of his leg did not help. 

The man did not move. 

"Xavier!" She hissed in building anger. "Move, I need to go to the bathroom!"