The mating ceremony - I

Once the priest was finished, he gave them a deep bow before taking a few steps back and finally turning around given them the view of his back. 

After the priest went away they received a few congratulations before everyone made their way inside and they were only left with close family members. 

Slightly confused and dazed for what happened, Adaline turned to her uncle and her best informant, "I won?" 

Korr nodded with the look of amusement shining brightly in his eyes. 

"But I don't get a gift?" Adeline asked slightly perplexed by what happened and how the priest just walked away. 

Korr stared at her before he ended up laughing and so did the others around them. She felt Xavier close the distance between them and placed his forehead on top of her head as he laughed too. 

"No," Korr tried to keep his laughter in as he replied to her, "honestly it would have been a problem if you did not win."