In a room, with a witch - I

The more she smelled the burning of skin in the air, the more Adaline pressed their foreheads together.

Never once did he tighten his grip on her hips or let out a breath of pain. Never, while the poker was pressed onto his back, did he ever let her or anyone know that he was suffering.

He took the branding without an ounce of pain and sometimes in between Adaline thought that he took it with pride. 

Finally after what seemed like years, the poker was pulled away from his back but Adaline did not pull her forehead away from his. 

At this point she was aware that it was not him who needed the courage but her who was holding onto him for her sanity. 

He was burned for god's sake! 

"I love you," 

"Hi—" she stopped in between when she heard him before a smile broke out on her face, "Hi." She chuckled before shaking her head. "You do?"