In a room, with a witch - IV

Adaline stared at the spot before she blinked her eyes and finally stepped closer. 

Was it real? 

She knew that she had seen the witch and she knew that the name of the witch was Amulya. But then, where did the witch go? 

Stepping right in front of the door, exactly where the witch had previously stood, Adaline knew for a fact that she had been here and now she had vanished. 

She had seen her grip something in her, a necklace of sorts, and from whatever she had seen in the human witchcraft series that must have helped her in transportation. 

Teleportation perhaps? 

"Oh my God.."

She looked down right beside her right foot. There was proof that the witch had been here. The blood that she had vomited out.

But that was the thing about it; it was not red in color or crimson like it was called, it was black. 

Adaline slowly stepped away from the blood and stopped into the corner.