The behind the scenes - I

The surface was soft, softer than what she had fallen asleep on. 

Opening her eyes, Adeline found herself in her bedroom, cuddled in her sheets and in her double bed, unlike the single one where they had previously done it when they were at the temple. 

Xavier must have dropped her home. 

She remembered to be slightly tired and the nap in his arms sounded heavenly, making her close her eyes and slip into the best sleep that she had ever had. 

"Good morning," Zara entered the room with a large breakfast tray in her hands. The shifter had absolutely no problems in carrying a huge tray all by herself. 

"Morning," Adaline wished her back as she sat up on the bed ready to receive the breakfast in bed since she was pretty sure that it was late in the afternoon. 

"What time is it?" She asked as Zara folded a small table in her lap and placed the plate there.