A little baby - II

It might have taken her minutes, hours probably to finally let go and stop crying. When she did, she found Javis right beside the door with clothes in his hands. 

Curious as to why he was standing there, Adaline got up only to have a handkerchief held her way that she gratefully took.

The next thing she knew was that Xavier had picked her up princess style and they were walking inside the house. 

He was also wearing clothes so the butler must have brought those for him and handed them to him when she was blowing her nose and wiping away her tears. 

She placed her cheat against the warm shoulder of her love and relished the feeling. There was something different when they were together. She felt more open and calm.

It was still amazing about how she had always read about love and it has turned out to be something completely different for her. This love had grounded her and made her more humble for the small moments they had together.