Adaline, the Queen - III

By the end of the day, her feet hurt with the amount of distance she had walked and for the amount of time she had been standing. 

The distance that she had walked was not much but only in the ballroom that they had later shifted in, for food, and then how continuously she had to stand to meet people and introduce herself and to be introduced to them. 

The introductions and food carried on until the moon finally rose in the dark sky. It had become a habit for Adaline to watch the moon if she was awake at night and if she compared the moon to those nights and this one, this one was far more beautiful and there was something about it that made today special. 

"My love," Xavier touched her shoulder and lightly rubbed his hands over her upper arms, "it's time." 

She gulped nervously before she gave him a nod. Suddenly, Adaline became aware of how the room had fallen silent and felt every eye on her.