A whipped Alpha - IV

Ashlynn was right. 

None of them left the room for an entire week and it seemed physically impossible to do so too. 

Something had definitely taken over her body because the movement he was not touching her she craved more and more of him and there was no doubt that the same was happening with him as well. 

But a week was too much of a time for the king and queen of the country to be away from their duties which is why today they had to leave the room and take on what they had left. 

Xavier was going to return to his duties and Adaline was now going to train under Cassandra before she would take over from her. 

"Ready?" Xavier appeared by her side after getting dressed and leaned on the vanity table watching as the helper took care of her hair. 

"Yes, do I have to wear gowns?" Adaline pointed to the quiet heavy material that she was wearing. "I thought shifters were not close to wearing clothes."