A paranoid woman. -II

 The Announcement has been made several days later. Only when it was confirmed by the position and the healer that Adaline was pregnant, the announcement had been made in The circle of the family members and everyone's reactions had been quite different.

Jenna and Cassandra had been on the same page. Javier and korr were just as happy as them but were a little reserved as compared to the ladies. 

It was her aunt who had the most distinct reaction amongst all of them. She did not feel happy nor did she cry out expressing her joy, what Teresa did was completely different.

Her aunt had the guts to pick up a question from the couch and threw it at the most powerful man known in the worlds that they were still unaware of. 

"You got her pregnant!?" Teresa yelled, Her face glowing red at the anger she felt. "how could you— have you looked at her? Do you think she's in the right state of mind and body to get pregnant at the moment!?"