Bad feeling - II

"Even if you are human, the protective instincts along with the maternal ones will surface. At first you will be overwhelmed but that would all make sense because at the end of the day, you will just want to protect and love your pup." 

" A pregnancy can last up from nine months to a year because it is quite difficult to raise a pup inside a womb. However yours can last from six months to nine. I have never heard of nor seen a pregnancy go up to 1 year at most. It can be difficult because you are the first human queen that has actually cotton pregnant. The previous one had not gone that far, you know… so we would have to be careful." 

"You will feel overwhelmed because everyone is going to be at your beck and call, more than before. In fact, many of the servants and soldiers will keep an eye on you in case you need anything. They will leave if you want them to but by the command of the king and their instincts, they will always be within hearing range."