A happy prego lady - II


Adaline sighed before opening her eyes. She glanced down, passed her bulging stomach and into the eyes of the man whose was staring at her. 

Xavier licked his moist lips before raising up to the level of her stomach and relieving his entire face. His lips still glistened with the milky juices and licked them again sending a shiver down her spine at the perverted action. Why did she find an action so pervasive turning her on? 

"good morning", he wished, "all well?" 

"Yes," she sighed in content. Good morning, indeed. 

She shifted a little, Sitting half up on the bed as he made his way to her side. Obviously he could not be on top of her with her huge belly in between them, so Xavier had to lie on his side instead. 

Instead of talking to her, his eyes rent directly to her belly and his palm landed on the lower region, the baby didn't kick.

She chuckled, "they must be sleeping."