Worth a try - III

Adaline released a huge sigh Before opening her eyes and looking at the ceiling. She stifled her smile. The soreness had now subsided and it had taken her a week to do that. They were finally using the knives now. 

"care to tell me about what makes you smile so early in the morning?" 

Startled, she looked into his direction to find saviour looking at her with his hand supporting his head as he was lying beside her. 

"It must be a very good dream then." 

"It was." She agreed, not with what he said exactly but yes, the dream had been turned into a reality. 

About the dream, there was something she wanted to talk to him about. She had come to this thought when Javis was explaining her things and characteristics about different knives. 

"Xavier?" She licked her lips anxiously. 

"Yes, my love?" 

She tsked lightly before saying, "did you look at the baby?" 

"What?" He looked and sounded confused.