
This whole story will probably be frightening and unbelieve, but trust me. I wish it was.

It all began when I was mindlessly going through the websites I found, scrolling and leaning my head on the palm of my hand as I found one interesting post.

"If you click this one link, your problems will go away.".

I stared at it for a bit and then chuckled to myself.

"No way in hell that this actually works... but you got my attention. Fine, I'll play.." I said to myself as I moved the cursor to the link and hesitated. Then I quickly pressed it and waited.

A black screen came up on my laptop and after a minute I saw text writing itself appearing.

"Congratulations. You are one of the few chosen. Write what your problems are and we will provide. Up to 5 small or big problems. You can space them out and visit us again to write the next problem whenever you want. But there's a catch, after we fix your last problem we will contact you and tell you what we want from you in return. Thank you Kimberly Green, have a nice day."

I was smiling and shaking my head reading this until I saw they wrote out my damn name. On the screen. My smile faded quickly.

"I didn't sign anywhere what my name is and I use an vpn software. How did they know it was me?"

I blurted out in an shocked and angry tone, already here I should have exited the site and never gone back to it. But sadly, I didn't.

I watch the site write out five lines for me to rank up problems they apparently would "fix".

I thought a bit about it and clicked on the first line to write the first problem. I wanted to think of something small, something I would notice but not overly do anything.

"Peter owes me 15 dollars, and I want them back."

I wrote on the line and pressed enter. It took a couple minutes then it began to write beneath mine.


"Done? What does that mean?" I laughed a little in relief.

"So it wasent real." I sighed and had a little hope in my gut that it would have. I shook my head and closed down my computer and layer down in the bed. It took me a while to fall asleep finally I did.

The next day I enter the classroom after buying an soda from a vending machine, I see Peter enter the room. He looked a bit embarrassed and agitated.

"Here's your money, okay? Sorry it took so long." He said and held out the 15 dollars he owed. I felt my blood turn to ice. I must have gotten paler and I blankly stare at him. I was terrified of what just happened.

"T-Thank you, Pete." I said and accepted them and he nodded and turned away and sat down at his desk and layed his head on his desk.

I blinked and looked at the crumbled dollarbills in my hand and that site crawls into my head again.

"What did they do to Pete to force him to do this? I was prepared to forget these because I know he kept pushing it up everyday, with his usual excuses. But given how he looks it can't have been to bad" I thought turning my gaze towards his direction.

Then a playful thought goes into my head.

"What if this is actually harmless? Like they would ask me to do something simple at the end just to get something out of it, you know? I mean it can't be a coincidence that today is the day he actually comes with the money, but to be sure, I maybe have to try again.."

I was disturbed by my thoughts when the teacher enters the room.

Class went on as usual and I leave to get lunch, when I was tripped by tiff and her minions and I fell head first forward. I caught the floor with my palms but it hurt.

"Look here, it's the little nobody. Do me a favor and fetch me lunch will you? I saw Pete payed you so I know you afford it, thanks" she said not lifting her eyes from the phonescreen, chewing her gum.

"No, no I won't." I replied and rises up on my feet again, brushing of my pants of dirt from the floor.

"Excuse me? It wasent actually a question, I told you to do it so why are you still standing here?" She said glaring at me coldly and clearly annoyed.

"I said no. Leave me alone Tiffany." I said grabbing my bag on my desk and began to walk towards the exit. I felt someone grab the back if my hair and pull, I groaned because it hurt.

"Ow why did y-" is all I managed to get out before her minions grabbed me by each arm and Tiff took out her gum from her mouth and pushed it into my hair. "Ladies, drag her to the bathroom" she said and walked out first to have them drag me after her.

"Let me go, seriously" I said angrily and kicked and flairs with my arms but to no prevail. The other students didn't dear intervene since they don't want my fate.

She held the door as they dragged me inside and she chuckled as she crouched down next to me and kept her wide grin towards me.

"Dunk her." She said and had fished out the dollars I had in my left pocket as they grab me by the hair and pull me towards one of the stalls. I caught the opening walls and held myself from being pulled inside, but tiff noticed and kicked hard on my fingers making me let go. "Like I said, you pay for lunch. Thanks hunny." She said and left. They pressed my head beneath water a couple times and flushed, and one last long one making me almost faint and they let me go. I slide down on the floor, coughing and crying.

After laying there for a bit I take up my shaking hand from the kick it received to see if it was hurt, and their just bruised and swollen. I get up on my feet slowly, tears still falling down my cheeks and my hair was still wet and dripping.

I stumbled out, still a bit disoriented, leaving the bathroom and walking down the hall being stared down by everyone, and all that saw me whispered to each other.

"She got the dunk again by tiff"

One said

"I bearly know how she looks with dry hair, poor girl"

I heard another say.

They notice but they don't say anything or help me. They stand and they watch, and let her run all over school doing all she wants.

I felt how angry i started to get and walked home, got into a steam shower and got back to my computer to find a distraction from my horrible day. Then I saw that site pop up on my screen.

"Welcome back, Kimberly. What is your second problem?" It typed out and all I could think about was what happened in school.

I felt my hand throb and ache, as I saw it was even more swollen now than before. I clenched my teeth and saw the line appear ready for me to type. So I did.

"I want Tiffany Lorentz to die"