The types of enemies of the Prays.

A specific function of the Prays is to spray "acid nutralys" on the enemies fallen by the fruit poisoning, this prepares them to be "organic humus" highly valued among the families of the poles within the Prays kingdom. Of course the genetic reaction is not the same for the skin, of each enemy.

The types of enemies of the Prays.

Dark red "mushrooms", which are migratory, from north to south, are poisonous when they die, as they release a mortis acid and if they fall near the roots of Alpins trees, they will dry out.

Yellow and black striped "Avistrols" which end in two stingers that inject hepatic venom or neutral germ, the first one poisons the tree thinning and drying it, the second allows for fruiting; this during the flowering phase of Alpine trees.

These tend to migrate from south to north, but not before landing in Alpine trees. Upon its appearance, a tenacious, cruel, and at the same time beneficial and necessary struggle is unleashed. Although the "acid nutralys" prepares them to be organic humus, it is forbidden to kill them, rather they are revered as Fairies.

"Orugarys" have a skin, from whose pores nutrals injector spines come out. If this silk is injected into the knots of the bark of Alpins trees, they have a multiplying effect, thus forming new suckers that, if they manage to detach themselves in the third season. , will allow the repopulation of Alpins trees. The Prays must learn to tame them so they must capture them and besiege them in the Lunar Zenith portal; Well, if they reach the branches and then the leaves, they will bite and sting, weakening the Alpins tree, since it will not reach maturity or even the desired height to deal with the Solbad and shade the Prays kingdom.

Their journey is, from east to west ... many of them fail to reach their destination, because the "aromys Alpins" which is a dream Prays for fertility times, defeats them by sleeping them for their metamorphosis, upon waking up in the next phase of the Moon Orbist, their wings have grown and they have other lighter bodies and their eyes have grown also they have two GPS antennas that guide them to their purpose ... the sound of their flapping, informs that station three has started and they should deal with other enemies.

"Mistletoe", appears from the excrement of the caterpillars and is constituted in a parasitic plant called mistletoe plant, which when growing destroys many Alpins trees by friction and nuclear hanging, which is an obstruction of the nutralys sap, this does not exceed the roots to the entire Alpins tree.

The aroma of the mistletoe flower is the only thing that weakens the Prays, so they avoid their proximity, although it is inevitable to be able to spread the nutralys acid on their enemies. It is feared that these plants will spread abundantly as they would extinguish the Alpine trees.

A King Prays if he allows himself to be bitten by the Queen of the Fairies, can make poetry of the enchantment, which makes parasitic plants like those of Mistletoe, stop growing and when not maturing there would be no flowers and could be bitten by waststrols and dry then.