The Prays in "wild hunt ..."

Idea. Chapter 12.

The Holographic news item read: "From the West Pole: Man! And his domesticated animals in wild hunt..."


Hunting dogs at the top of the hill bark towards the west pole of the entrance to the Prays Kingdom, however, the irritating smell of "nutralys acid" prevents them from approaching within 100 metres; a reason many humans have for mistaking this smell for that of forest skunks.

All that is left for these canines to do is to raise their left paw and point towards the forest of the Prays Kingdom.

--Bah, Firulays. Not if you and your pack don't dare go in there. Least of all me. Come on! Let's go home... That's enough for today.

--Wow! Geer... -Said the most expert hunting dog in the world...

A white-tailed deer, a ruminant and herbivore, sought to slip away from apparent human pursuit among the vegetation of the thick Prays forest, absent-mindedly and confidently set about consuming leaves, shoots, and seeds, as well as Hongoys, and the sweet fruits fallen from the Alpine trees.

However, a Lynx Rufus, a carnivorous feline, had spotted him entering the western pole of the Prays forest and stealthily and silently followed him, waited for him to feed and also to drink water... within half an hour, the white-tailed deer, fell flat on his face, "A strange way to take a nap?" No, it was like that. But by eating, it had absorbed a series of acids from the Prays as well as from the Hongoys, Avistrols and Orugarys.

There was definitely a fatal combustion in the organism of this white-tailed deer.

But it was the carnivorous feline, the dangerous one: Lynx Rufus, who bore the most providential part for the level two Prays XH and the Prays in the west pavilion.

As the west pole alarm began to sound, with a distinctive, never-before-heard sound. But which instinctively, forced a full mobilisation of the Prays defences, and thus of restocking....

When they arrived, they found both of them convulsing and unable to move, let alone utter a sound, the acids were fulminating their hearts and melting their internal organs...

To finish off the skin, flesh and bones and other hard parts of these unhappy forest animals. The Prays sprayed "nutralys acid".

The unique life-cycle feast of the Prays Kingdom would endow them with strength, agility, speed and remote sight... but it would be cycles later that they would know what they had actually eaten when it was their turn to deal with the humans themselves...

The three Prays XH candidates and the three Prays Sower Wards gathered at the scene, totalling a Prays army: 3+18. These from the south, east and west. I repeat: "The preservation of the Prays Kingdom requires having this productive - defensive level".

The dilemma is: Which Prays XH would repopulate the north pole?

The omnipotent and omniscient determined these migrations and immigrations of kingdoms; this event is often called the wise nature of the creator.

Again a unique echo was heard which is the link of the creator with his creation and is understood to be the time of the changes in the habitat of the Prays kingdom.

Dear reader, it has just begun: The importance of this story?

In Special, ends this volume 1, led by:

The Prays of the west, by their special training and convening power, allowed their leader to become Prays XH. And the future King Prays XHA by the Metaphorical ceremony in the Prays H Palace.

In volume 2, as mentioned above, he appears by genetic mutation of Vallemar: Paladin of Ecological Justice.