
"Mi...Miko.." She says timidly, still gazing up at Reign.

'Miko huh, why is she curled up crying... ' Reign pondered.

"Why are you crying.. Miko" He asked.

"..I..I.." Miko was trying to decide if she should answer truthfully.

'What if it upsets him and he sends me away, I'll be killed. But, at least I'll be free from this nightmare...'

Unable to muster the courage to face death she finally says "I-I.. was, thinking of my family.."

"Hmm, I understand." Reign says.

"Y-you do?" Miko asks.

"I do, when I think of my father I too feel bone chilling fear. Family can be quite terrifying." said Reign with a contemplative look on his face

'huuuhhh??? No no no no, that's not it at alll!' Miko exclaimed internally

"u-uh...your Highness.. I'm not scared of my family...I love them.. and miss them." Miko hesitantly says, feeling a bit more courage welling up after the Prince's misunderstanding.

"Love...I guess I don't understand after all. Where are they now?"

"Dead." Miko blankly stated, finally tearing her gaze away from the Prince to stare at the open flames.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Reign says still looking down at her, his gaze softening.

'I'm famished I should request for my dinner soon, but she seems to find comfort staring at the fireplace...'

"Dinner should be ready soon, I usually go downstairs to be served, I can have the maids bring up food for you here if you wish to continue sitting by the fireplace. Are you hungry?" Reign asked with a soft expression.

"I will follow you" Miko says as she pulls her legs up to hug her knees. Eyes fixed on the blazing fire.

"Very well." Reign sent a mental message to one of his maids to prepare dinner for two and deliver it to his room.

He then moves around the couch and sits down next to Miko, causing her to stiffen in anxiety. "What happened to your family, how did they die?"

'how could he not know? it was him, or actually his soldiers that raided my village...' she thought

"Soldiers came to our village, they killed and captured everyone...soldiers from your kingdom"

Reign sighed inward, scooting to the end of the couch to give Miko space. 'Of course they were.... knowing my father he targeted her village specifically to find someone like her.'

Realizing that he was partly at fault for her being sad, he no longer felt he could help ease her mind. Instead he was the source of her suffering, which left him feeling guilty. A feeling he was not familiar with.

"I see. I suppose there is nothing I can say to ease your pain." He was now also staring at the fire in the fireplace.

They sat in silence for a while before they heard knocking at the door. A maid carrying a tray of food entered the room and placed the food on the table in front of the couch. She bowed to Reign before turning around and heading towards the entrance.

"Wait! Prepare a room for my guest and notify me when it is ready." Reign commanded his maid, however the maid replied

"I'm sorry Your Highness, The King has informed us that your companion is to remain by your side at all times and has forbidden us from preparing separate quarters for her" She bows

"Then prepare another bed in my room for her" Reign furrowed his brows, frustration brewing inside.

The maid shakes her head sorrowfully, as if she understands but is unable to follow the Prince's commands.

"I will be outside for when you need the dishes cleared Your Highness" She turns around and leaves closing the door behind her.

'hhhaaaa, why is this so difficult!! What am I suppose to do with Miko!' Reign struggled internally, starting to feel at his wits end. After a moment he picked up a loaf, taking a big bite, chewing in frustration.

He has never been placed in a situation like this, he was beginning to think that his Advance Magic Theory lessons weren't even half as challenging as his current situation.

How is he suppose to deal with Miko when he was the source of her suffering and is bound to serve him.

This was a challenge he couldn't wrap his head around. Jumping into a pit of beasts was simpler than this, just cut everything down!

"hhaaa" Reign sighed as his thoughts became increasingly jumbled up, taking another big bite out of the loaf in his hands. Chewing in frustration...again.

Miko turns to look at Reign, noticing his brows furrowed as he quickly chews on his food. He seemed frustrated so she asked hesitantly

"I-Is everything okay, Your Highness"

Reign turns his gaze towards her only to meet her piercing crystal blue eyes peering back at him. In that moment all of his jumbled thoughts disappear, his mind finding serenity in her piercing crystal blue eyes.

"Y-yes everything is fine. I was just lost in thought. I'm... sorry for this situation." Reign lamented.

"In the morning I will visit my father and request that he releases you from your bonds" He continued.

"He will kill me." She stated matter-of-factly

'Of course he would!!' Reign was ready to pull out his hair at this point, if he complained to his father about Miko's situation his father would simply replace her. Possibly even punish him for failing to overcome this "test" of his.

They both sat in silence for a bit, while Reign continued to chew the remainder of his loaf in frustration.

He then noticed that she hasn't touched any of the food on the table.

"Are you not hungry? You should eat something, I doubt you've had anything to eat all day." Reign gestured to the food left untouched on the table.

Although she was still feeling anxious and unfamiliar with her environment she didn't think it would be wise to question the Prince's suggestion.

"Yes Your Highness" she then proceeded to nibble on the food in front of her.

Hearing her response a sudden pain struck Reign in the chest, making him feel heavy. The guilty feeling from earlier returning but only heavier.

'This has to be punishment from my father! I was suppose to have a nice, relaxing day off away from my duties but instead I have to suffer alongside my new servant!' he cried inward.

He tried to push his thoughts aside and focused on finishing his dinner. They ate in silence until they were both full. Afterwards the maid returned and cleared the table before leaving them alone for the remainder of the night.

[An hour later]

Reign and Miko were still sitting on the couch staring at the raging fireplace, lost in thought. Reign was contemplating what he could do to free Miko of her bonds without taking her life, while Miko was silently coming to terms with her current situation.

'He doesn't seem like a bad person so far, and I just have to be his companion. It doesn't matter what I do or what happens I'm surely going to die soon anyway. I have nothing to lose, might as well see what fate has in store for me' Miko coming to terms with her situation. Realizing that nothing mattered anymore gave her a strange sense of relief. She had nothing to live for and no reason to fear death for it only meant freedom from her shackles.

'Even if I can some how sneak her out of the Palace ground my father will simply send soldiers to find and kill her. Then he will turn his wrath against me. This is just another form of his many challenges he has forced me to face. Once I pass this test I should be able to give Miko her freedom.' Reign concluded.

After coming to his conclusion Reign got up from the couch and walks over to the glass wall touching it, opening the entrance to his patio. He walks over to the rail and takes a deep breath of the cold night air. Feeling the cool breeze on his skin, and the light of the moon calming his mind.

Noticing Reign getting up from the couch and walking out on the patio, Miko decides to get up too and follow him. She walks out onto the patio and over to Reign, leaning against the rail next to him. Taking in the cool night air, feeling much more at ease with everything.

"There is nothing I can do to release you from your bonds Miko" Reign confesses while looking up at the moon. 'At least for now' he thought to himself.

"I know, I've been cursed so even if I could run away from here the curse your father placed on me would kill me"

"I'm sorry" He says

"mmhn, It's okay" She replies

Both staring up at the moon looming over them, feeling the night settle their minds.