Amy was in front of her computer downloading the pictures she took during this afternoon's field trip. She will be making her own analysis and compare it with Edmond's tomorrow. As she scanned through the downloaded photos, the previous photos that she took were included and she was looking at it for the first time in a bigger screen. Most of the photos were the shots she took with Edmond at the vegetable farm. Scrolling one by one, she was amazed at how beautiful the photos looked on a bigger screen. She said to herself that she is getting better and better at photography.
As she continued to scroll further, one photo captured her attention with keen interest and excitement. Clicking the mouse to blow it up, she was surprised at what she saw. She immediately remembered the funny incident behind the photo. Flashback of the scene came to her mind. She recalled how she fell off the bench while lying down to get a good shot of the sky when Edmond appeared in the frame. This was that shot. Although this photo was taken as a result of her surprise reaction over Edmond's sudden appearance, the end result was just perfect - the angle, the cloud formation, the clear blue sky and most importantly, the cutest smile on a mischievous handsome boy looking at her in amusement over her surprised reaction.
She lingered looking at the photo for awhile and thought to herself, a picture perfect photo – beautiful sky and the cutest smile!