Mavis, being in the well for eight months being kinda depressed but with Mark to help her she got so far just to see it all tumble. But first let's talk about Gary and Daniel who one was grounded and suspended from the school and the other being depressed cause he lost a whole squad of great friends and decent soliders. Gary and Daniel still didn't give up Gary would sneak out of his window to go meet Daniel at the well. When they met up Daniel had some stones "What are you gonna do with that?" "I'm going to throw it down to see how far we need to dig" "Wait what? did you just say how far we are gonna dig?" "Yes, how else will we get to Mavis. I'm not going to risk anyone or anything because if we don't find something we are gonna look like fools. So we're going to dig down and trust me no one will notice because it's an abandoned well no one comes here" "So where are we gonna get the shovels from, how are we gonna get out and also what if she's dead and we somehow get caught?" "One thing at a time my friend I know you like my sister, you don't need to worry". So Daniel threw the stone in the well and in a very deep distance and echo was heard "Huh? This is gonna be a very long day and month" "Now we know the depth, where are we gonna get the shovels from?" "Simple you bring your shovel I'll bring mine and tomorrow we start digging, I'll draw a layout and structure we need to do but for now we have to hope". The two left to return home and Daniel started his sketch and layout. Now we look at Mavis who was sound asleep on her bed with Mark by her side and the photo her best friend dropped. Mavis had a dream which was about when she finally escaped the well and she told her dreamy sled that she would plan another escape and this time will for sure get out. The sound of a stone woke her up for it echoed loudly in the well and she instantly jumped (so did Mark) and she went towards the stone and saw her brother and Gary standing at the top of the well and heard the whole plan so did Mark who wasn't going to let that happen but before he had time to think Mavis grabbed him and was so tired but cheerful "You hear that Mark!!!! I'm getting out FINALLY!" Mark on the other hand knew he had to do something about this plan of theirs. The next day Mark dropped the supplies for Mavis and he dropped a necklace of Mavis and her father. Yes a necklace and it made Mavis sad because everytime she saw her father she remembered the moment the announcement was made that he died and if you didn't see what Marks plan's to get Mavis so depressed that she will get attached to the well and won't want to leave. It was working perfectly for the next couple of days Mark was dropping pictures and pictures and pictures of Mavis and her father which were photoshopped and then he would go comfort her by cuddling up making her think he actually cares about her. Meanwhile on the surface Gary and Daniel were both hard at work digging, they made a little slope that they could use to get in and out and everyday Gary and Daniel would go home dirty with their clothes filled with sand and Gary had still been grounded and had to make excuses for when his mother questioned him "I'm used to rolling under my bed it's not that bad" "Maybe if I wasn't grounded my clothes would've been more clean" etc etc and he got his mother so fed up that he had his own washing machine inside his room. Gary and Daniel would work for days and they had hope that they would reach the bottom and everyday they would see one bird fly over the well and drop items but never really cared enough to see what was it's problem. Daniel dropped another stone a week later after digging and heard a little more good I suppose sound coming from the well and Mark knew he had to strike. The first thing Mark did was get the fake Mavis to go tell the authorities which slowed Daniel down alittle because he had to show his licenses and his warrant and he also had to cover for Gary who was great ful for the authorities not telling his parents. The next thing Mark did was send the fake Mavis I. to disrupt them by tell Gary's mother to check his room and he was scolded so much so that Gary was grounded for a month more and Daniel got scolded but Gary whispered "Please just get her out" and Daniel knew he had to continue. Meanwhile the last thing that Mark did was injure Daniel by turning into a dog and biting Daniels leg. Yes Mark could've shape shifted, see Mark came from another dimension where he was trapped and he escaped and then pushed Mavis into the well to make sure the guardians don't notice anything, yes Mark was a evil person, and Mavis saw it and she finally realised...that Mark was a villain and that he was hurting her more than helping her. Mavis tried to ignore Mark everytime he acted kind and Mark wasn't having it he trashed the place and then he took his human form "Hello Mavis"....