(4) A birthday Ball


I dreamt of the school of nobles, that is until I felt the world shake and a booming voice called out my name, it almost sounded like... Alex..?

I slowly open my eyes to see Alex's green eyes looking back at me with her soft voice calling my name.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily, as Alex sits up. I move to lay my head on her lap to stop her from leaving.

"12:30 babe," she responded softly stroking my hair softly. "Will you let your hair be natural today? Just for me?" She asked looking into my eyes. I pondered it, thinking back at why I had begun straightening my hair. It was when my mother died, I had the same curly hair that she had so whenever my father saw me he looked absolutely shattered. As if he had dug up the grave my mother was in and had seen a ghost. It was then when I asked the maids why he couldn't look at me when they helped me realize that it was because I looked exactly like her. Same auburn curly hair, same freckled face, same green eyes that stared into him. I was the only one who looked like her, the others taking the appearance of my father or somewhere combined. The maids helped me learn how to use makeup to mask the freckles and straighten my hair so that he could look at me again, he could love me again. Alex called me, pulling me out of my darkness. "What are you thinking about?" She asked softly stroking my face and tracing my freckles, being one of the few people knowing I had them. I looked back at her and smiled back simply

"Just daydreaming," I respond, her eyebrows furrowed together and I know she didn't buy my answer.

"If you're not ready, you don't have to do it Cath," she started worried that she had pushed me to an uncomfortable position. She begins to speak again but I stop her

"Perhaps just the freckles today?" I said honestly. She was right there would be a time I had to let go but for now, I would take baby steps. She smiled and nodded

"Baby steps my love," she responded.


As we reach the ballroom I glanced at Alex. Her sea blue tux matching with my light burgundy cocktail dress. She turned to look at me and smoldered making me laugh and push her slightly. I linked my arm and straighten my back as we enter the grand doors of the room, Alex immediately transforms into the royal she was raised to be.

"Announcing the crown princess Alex of Kauldin and Lady Catherine of the house of Belmi of Kauldin." The announcer spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

Alex and I bow my head and continue towards where the king sat to give respect. Lady Ade sat at his side and looked at me eagerly while I gave her a warm smile during Alex's greeting.

When Alex and I finished greeting his majesty she leads us to a corner where the food table was. This always humored me because Alex rarely ate at balls and parties but was always the first to head toward the food; perhaps it was out of comfort. I spotted shortbread and nibbled on one while handing Alex a plate with cheese and strawberries, something I knew she was bound to eat. She stared at it and then at me but when I raised an eyebrow telling her to eat something she did, slowly and carefully as to not break any royal rules installed in her.

When a noble with golden hair and a beige tux approached us, Alex set down her plate and greeted her,

"I simply wanted to say that despite the problems surrounded Kauldin, I hope it is still a beautiful place, as I have plans to go in a year or two on vacation to your lovely kingdom," she commented, she's talking about the demon sightings, news travels fast. For a brief second, I see Alex's shoulders tense up but loosen so fast it makes me question if I ever saw it in the first place. She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes where the true beauty of her joy lays.

"I assure you, Kauldin is as beautiful as ever, and thank you for considering our nation for your vacations," she responded politely making me doubt she heard the first part. She knows. I have to prepare to explain it all to her when we have the time. The noble nods and glances at me,

"My word! Is this your fiancée?" She asks looking me up and down acting like I'm the finest woman on earth, "why, you have reached the one with the grace of the Gods!" She said gesturing to me. I smile and incline my head slightly in embarrassment. I feel Alex's arm wrap against my waist, which was strange because affection with Alex was always so secretive and personal, no politics or games it was raw love.

"Fortunately yes," she replies, her smile this time reaching her eyes. She glanced at me and grinned, "she is the one with the beauty of the Gods," she said admiring. The noble began to speak but a hand reached their shoulder and she excused herself to speak to the other noble.

Alex looked at me with a kindness that hadn't been present while we were speaking to the noble and leaned over.

"You'd think their reaction to me having a hot future wife means they think I'm too ugly for you," she whispered into my ear, I crack a smile and lean toward her

"I am 'graced by the Gods' Alex," I respond giggling as she nudges me slightly.

"Cathy! Princess Alexis! So lovely for you to attend!" I hear a voice and look in that direction. Alex's face falls and she bows gently

"Princess Ade it is a delight to see you," she says even though I know they've had a feud since they met, Alex has grown more disdain for Princess Ade more and more throughout the years. Especially because she has a crush on me add the fact she calls Alex by the name she hates. She curtsies and smiles warmly at me,

"I never knew you had freckles! You look enchanting Cathy!" she says smiling and then turns to Alex and says "and of course, you do as well Lady Alexis," with an obviously fake smile. Alex returns the fake smile with an even more fake one with narrowing hating eyes. I hold back a chuckle when Alex turns to me and speaks to me through her eyes

Save me before I kill this woman I read, I smiled at her and tilted my head as if I didn't understand her.

"What's going on?" Princess Ade asked as she saw the interaction between us.

"Nothing Princess Ade, we're simply enjoying your company," I respond warmly, she narrows her eyes

"My brothers do the same thing, except they say I'm not cool enough to partake and understand, I find that simply absurd. I think you'd agree that I'm plenty cool," she states a little hurt at the missed conversation. Alex viciously nodded

"Oh I definitely agree princess Ade," Alex remarked and princess Ade glances toward Alex as if her eyes alone were to kill her but then looks at me and smiles.

"Very well I shall take my leave," she begins as she bows towards me more than Alex, "I'll see around Cathy<3, and Alexis,"

