(17) Reason for Vulnerbility and Reason for Chaos

Alex opened the door to reveal a dark room. She stepped in and was immediately met Cathrine's lovely voice that made her melt with nerves and butterflies.


Alex fumbled for the light switch and winced when she turned them on. She looked up to see Cathrine sitting up in a bed wearing Alex's favorite sweater in the corner. Cathrine gasped and jumped up instantly to run to Alex. Alex still out of it didn't notice Cathrine was running at her until they made contact and fell back because of Alex's weak limbs. Cathrine buried her face in Alex's chest and Alex heard crying. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around Cathrine cautious but yet loving. The demon heritage was at the back of Alex's mind as she began to crying into the crown of Cathrine's head.

"Oh Deus I thought you might've been dead," Alex heard Cathrine say muffledly. "Anton couldn't find you, they started the moment we got here. Oh deus Alex," she said grabbing tightly onto Alex as if she was afraid they'd come and take her away from her.

"I'm here Cathy, and I'm not going anywhere," Alex whispered into Cathy's ears and they laid on the floor. After a second Alex let out a painstaking breath, "maybe baby you can hug me from the side? I'm pretty sure my ribs are bruised," Alex said wincing. Cathy quickly rolled over her and sat up to scan Alex's face

"Oh my gosh why are you so beat up Alex??" She said pulling Alex up and examining every inch of her face with careful detail.

"It's nothi-" Alex was interrupted when Cathy pulled up her shirt to examine her stomach noticing bruises from blows to her stomach and chest. "It's nothing just some guards messing around. They weren't too happy when I accused their Queen of murdering an entire species of um demons," Alex said the last part in an almost hush as to not trigger any reaction from Cathrine about the mention of demons.

"It's nothing? They beat you Alex! Baby this is a lot more than nothing!" She said holding tightly onto Alex's hand.

"Help me up my love," Alex said softly trying to get up. Cathy stood and helped Alex sit down on her bed. Alex fell back and laid down closing her eyes, patting next to her. Cathrine laid down and Alex cuddled behind Cathy, spooning the woman she loved. "I missed you Cathrine," Alex said gently as she held Cathy closely like a vase of the most precious clay. Suddenly she felt Cathy shake as if she were crying. "Hey what's going love bug?" Alex asked turning Cathy to face her. Cathy hid her face but Alex softly pried her hands off her face and gently wiped her tears.

"I should've gone with you, why didn't I go with you maybe I could've helped you against your mother," Cathy said concealing her face in Alex's chest

"Cathy I didn't fight back when the guards incarcerated me, nor when they beat me up," Alex said seriously

"Why not?" Cathy asked more calmly but still concerned.

"Because my mother told me something that completely made me lose my footing and I couldn't recover," Alex said carefully.

"What'd she tell you," Cathy said pulling away from her grip and facing her face to face. Alex's throat tightened, her battled with herself she could've easily avoided this situation. Why didn't she lie?! She couldn't possibly admit she knew Cathrine was a demon, she was still coming to terms with it herself! Alex sat up leaning on the wall.

"She told me that you were a half demon," Alex said looking away. Cathrine tensed up, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Alex moved to stand. "She accused me of only siding with the demons as a favor to you, to help you take over the nation." She stopped remembering the skin flaying words of her mother. "She said that you made me fall in love with you so that you could manipulate me into helping out the demons," Alex finished pacing and ending up at the small window where she looked out into the empty wastelands.

"And you believe her?" Cathrine managed to get out.

"I believe that you are in fact demon," Alex said quietly

"Alex I never had any reason to make you fall in love with me! There was no secret agenda I promise," Cathy said on the verge of tears. "Alex please look at me," her voice breaking. Alex continued staring off unable to find the right words.

"Before I- Before I met you I was terminally ill, they thought I was gonna- gonna to die. And they- they said it can come back any moment to finish the job," Alex said lightly but strong enough to reach Cathrine.

"What?" Cathrine asked standing and placing a hand on the tensed shoulder of Alex. Alex turned to her with tears in her eyes.

"A vulner- A vulnerability for a vulnerability," she said softly shedding a tear and looking up at Cathy. "I- I don't think you could ever do something like that. I know you Cathy," she finished. Cathy gasped and embraced Alex. "I love you, I have loved every crevice of you. To your eyes to your weirdly shaped toes. Your light kisses and your drowsy mornings. From the moment you saved me from killing myself so many years ago to the moment in which you are before me and every moment after this one. I have loved everything about you and this is just something more to love. That's all," Alex said hugging Cathy tightly, crying tenderly. Cathrine smiled and nodded

"I love you too Alex," she responded burying her face in Alex's hair.  

Suddenly the door burst opening and the two separated out of panic.

'Glad you two are getting along, maybe get a private room next time?' Anton signed with a grin on their face. Wigget chuckled but then seemed to be reminded of what he was there for.

"Ladies I have bad news, the committee has decided that in order to incriminate the Queen and give an opportunity to Alex to regain control of this country we have to have evidence that the Queen really is trying to kill of the demons as Alex reported their conversation. So we need proof," he said tightening his lips. Alex reached for Cathy's hand.

"Okay, I'll get your proof," Alex said firmly, holding onto Cathy's hand closely. Wigget walked in and sat on the bed opposite of theirs. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"We want her to confess. And since she already confessed to you..." he began to explain

"No," Alex said abruptly. Wigget shrugged his shoulders and stood.

"We have no other choice Alex! Who else does she have a direct vendetta against?" He responded fiercely.

"What's going on??" Cathrine said interrupting the two. Anton turned to her with eyes full of pity.

'What Wigget is trying to say is that you should go to the Queen. To get her confession,' Anton signed. Alex scoffed but Cathy felt her hand tremble.

She doesn't want to risk me going Cathrine thought. Cathrine stood straight

"I'm on board," she said. Alex, shocked turned to her.

"Wha-," she began to protest. Cathy turned to her and smiled

"It's time I sacrificed something, you've already suffered enough by her hand. Plus I'll have you to protect me," she said softly leaning toward her. Touching her forehead with Alex's. Alex sighed

"There's no way to talk you out of it?" She asked gently. Cathy shook her head.


'Remember Cathy the secret code word,' Anton warned her as they stopped bending a tunnel. Cathrine nodded and looked back to see Alex with her face all scrunched up.

"Any last words before the mission is a go?" Wigget asked in the front next to Anton. Cathy stepped toward Alex.

"Alex, sweetie," she said softly cupping her face as gently as she could, afraid to shatter the already cracking vase that was the love of her life. Alex leaned in and shed a tear, "I love you," Cathy said touching her forehead with Alex's. Alex nodded

"You notice anything going south, I mean anything. And you tell us. Immediately okay?" Alex said holding onto Cathy's hand that was on her face. Cathy smiled.

"Of course," she turned to Wigget and Anton and nodded determinedly.

Anton opened up a hole in the ceiling of the tunnel and lifted them with a platform of dirt. They were surrounded by greenery. Upon closer inspection Alex gasped.

"My gazebo," she said softly, turning to Cathy.

'We're at the castle. West wing,' Anton signed.

