(19) Joy and Celebration

~1 1/2 year later~

"And are you sure everything is set?" Alex asked Wigget for the thirtieth time. Wigget, for the thirtieth time, nodded.

"Yes, Alex everything is ready!" He said agitated and annoyed. Alex nodded nervously and paced around the room. "Okay! Okay! I've got this!" She said anxiously trying to reassure herself. Wigget placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Everything is going to be perfect," he says calmly.


"You think they're ready?" Cathy asks Anton impatiently, following with her eyes Azrail and Ariel as they run around the room.

"Chill out Cath, Alex is probably ready and waiting for you," Riley said calming picking at her fingernails.

'Are you ready?' Anton asked as Cathy stood up. 'Remember to breathe,' they signed chuckling.


Alex stood in front of a room full of nobles and citizens all excited and honored to be present. She stared at the closed doors and straightened her blue Zenzontle wedding attire. she turned at Hakami, she had never really connected with her father, he was always busy running the kingdom and she was always training but Hakami treated her like his own daughter, he stood up for her when the beatings got worse and when her own parents didn't love her, he did. Hakami looked at her softly.

"I'm proud of you moje dítě," he said smiling.

"Last chance to run," Wigget whispered jokingly to Alex who scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not the one afraid of committing," she shot back at him. His back tensed and he looked at her derailed.

"That's low" he responded as Hakami linked his arm with Alex ready to open the doors.

As the doors were opened and Alex and Hakami began walking down the aisle, music began to play as lord Dribrin waited on the other side.

As Hakami and Alex neared the front, he whispered to her,

"I remember the day I married Rukoi, I was no nervous and worried I had made a rash decision or something like that," he chuckled remembering a fond memory. he faced her in the front of the room and kissed her forehead, "needless to say you're making the right choice. You love her and she loves you and there is a bond like I've never seen. I'm so proud of you Alex, I see you as my own child and you deserve all the happiness in the world," he said smiling as he moved to stand behind her.

"Hello my dear," lord Dribrin greets Alex with a smile, Alex returned the smile and anxiously turns to look at the doors she came in. Cathy should be walking in any second, she thought excitingly.

She saw a glimpse of honey orange and that alone was enough to start her heart's marathon.

The doors opened and in came Ariel and Azrail with baskets of flowers, Reilly came after them with an apricot-colored dress holding up a burning bouquet of arrows, what Alex had learned to be a wedding ritual done by the Zenzontle as a symbol of those lost and their presence in the wedding. Cathrine walked behind her linked arms with Anton her most valued friend. Alex felt her face moist and realized she had been crying. She rushed to wipe her tears and smiled.

Cathrine looked beautiful, her curly hair was free from straightening, her freckles embraced, and the biggest grin on her face. Alex gleamed at the most beautiful thing on this planet. Cathrine and Alex had chosen to wear a traditional Zenzontle dress that was kimono-like in shape.

Cathy and Anton exchanged looks,

'Go off I guess,'Anton signed as they let go of Cathy's arm to move to the side. Cathy smiled warmly.

"Hey you," Cathy whispered as she got to Alex. Alex realized she had been holding her breath.

"Wow you look beautiful sweetness," she said admiring Cathy as she reached for Cathy's hands and held them tightly. Cathy felt the sweat on Alex's hands and tightened her grip. They leaned in and touched foreheads before turning to lord Dribrin to begin.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and shapeshifters in between, we have joined together for a couple that has not only been through normal difficulties like disagreements or arguments but have fought together to destroy a tyranny that plagued this nation. I stand before you as a testimony of their good character, their good bond, and the trust they share in between. It is difficult to say that soulmates exist," he says looked at both of them. "You go through rough patches and things don't always work out, whether if it's against time or anything that exists," he said remembering his wife Atlatonin. "But I can say with certainty that these two are meant for each other, to better one another, to help, to support, to uplift, and to accept. As my wife, Atlatonin would say 'Dribrin stop stalling and get to the point already'" the audience chuckled and lord Dribrin smiled. "Do you have any vows prepared?" He asked the two. Alex raised her hand and cleared her throat, turning to Cathrine.

"Cathy,  I was on the verge of death when you came into my life, I don't even know how you got into my garden but you just appeared," she said with a grin. the audience laughed and she continued. "you saved me. you taught me that I was more than a daughter, more than a soldier, more than a princess, more than a royal. You taught me how to be just Alex, and through hardships, you helped me heal the old torn and worn me. You give me breath, you give me life. love can't even explain how I feel about you because it's something so insurmountable that there aren't any words in any language that can explain this. I think of you, and dream of you, you never leave my mind. You are my haven and my escape," Alex leaned into Cathy's ear. "like all those years ago you captivated me, and freed me of my chains. Sweetness, I'm marrying you not because I want to, but because I need to. also, I want it on paper that I, Alex loft am married to the most wonderful, kind, and sweetest person in the cosmos," she said as she kissed her cheek and leaned out. She looked at Lord Dribrin who only smiled.

"do Cathrine have any words left to say?" he asked her, she nodded smiling.

"Alex when I met you, my mother had died. I was forced to take her place when I was 13 years old, I was forced to bottle everything up, for my siblings, who had lost their mother. For my father, who had lost the love of his life," she said looking toward him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Without even knowing you gave me liberty to express myself, to stop withholding a part of myself that I had hidden for so long. My curls and freckles, and my true happiness," she held onto Alex's hands, moving to wipe a tear from Alex's face. "You are my friend, my #1 supporter, my lover , but most importantly you are a piece of me. You've given me reasons to wake up, to smile, to cry, and to be happy. My love when you look my way everything catches on fire. And I can finally admit that you Alex Croft are my sexuality," she said with a breathy chuckle. Alex grinned. "I still remember when you cut your hair. You were 16 and you had found the soldiers shears. You shaved all your hair off, but it seemed like you had shaved off a lot more than pounds of blue hair. You were so much happier, you looked taller, you glowed, and you started to heal that day. when I looked at you I felt butterflies, my heart melted, my hands began to sweat, and I felt lighter on my feet. and at that moment I just knew that I wanted to be by you till the end of time," she finished smiling at Alex. Her eyes were soft and she memorized every feature of Alex's face. She thought about how they had come from different backgrounds. A Princess locked up to become a weapon for her parents and a child forced to hide her true identity to live in a state where they hated her race. She marveled at the fact that now thinking back everything fit together like a puzzle piece to create them. 'Cathlix' as Anton called them.

"Then by the power vested in me by the republic, I pronounce you partners in life, and in the Mictlan, together in eternity," Lord Dribrin said grinning cheek to cheek. Alex and Cathrine smiled at each other. Their hearts soaring. "You may lay grace and merge," he finished stepping back. Alex awkwardly leaned in, realizing that she had to kiss Cathrine in front of all these people. Cathy smiled and remembered her shyness. She wrapped her arms around Alex and tilted her, shielding her from the crowd. She smiled and kissed Alex passionately. Alex kissed back deepening the kiss and leaning in.


The guests cheered on Alex and Anton as they hold a competition on who would bend the best bouquet out of earth element. Alex being highly trained by elite soldiers and Anton being trained by their father, also an elementalist, each had their strengths and weaknesses. The audience stood at the edge of their chairs.

"Times up!" Hakami yelled. The two stopped and presented their bouquets of dirt. The audience whispered amongst themselves. Alex smiled at Cathy as they waited to be judged. "Can we hear your votes for Alex?" Hakami asked the seated guests. The guests cheered and cried Alex's name. "Okay okay can we hear your votes for Anton?"

'Cry my name my friends!' They signed. The crowd exploded. They cheered and signed applauses. Hakami laughed loudly.

"Looks we have a winner!" He said raising Antons hand in the air, Anton raised his bouquet and grinned.

'You may bend all elements but you weren't taught by a master,' Anton signed to Alex smiling sincerely. Alex sheepishly lowered her head smiling, admitting defeat and retreated to the couples table.

"Hey sweetness," she said sitting next to Cathy facing the guests.

"What happened? Why'd you lose?" She asked embracing Alex playfully. Alex giggled and turn to look at Cathy.

"Eh it doesn't matter, all that matters is you," she said leaning in Cathy's embrace.

"Wanna escape for a bit while Anton, wigget and his dad entertain the room?" Cathy asked. Alex grinned and nodded. They stood and moved to the side.

Wigget turned to them and tilted his head.

'Escaping for a bit, keep them busy,' Alex signed as they inched near the end of wedding area. Wigget nodded and held a thumbs up.


"I can't believe how lucky I am," Alex said whispering as she laid on the floor looking up at the sky.

"You think you're lucky? Trying being in my shoes, I am in heaven right now," Cathy responded with a grin. She got closer to Alex and sighed. "Do you remember that night?" Cathy asked. Alex turned to her looking confused.

"What night?" She responded. Cathy smiled and continued up at the sky.

"I doubt you'll remember, it was a beautiful night like this, the stars clear as day, beautiful to the point of tears," Cathy said softly. "It was during the summer, my father stayed at the castle working on some errands for the king and Queen. I had come along and had heard that the summer festival going to set fireworks. I knew that the best spot to see them was the west wing so I went to the gazebo to try to get the best seating. And you were there. Laying down in the garden staring at the stars just awestruck," Cathy said with a light chuckle. she entwined her hands with Alex, noticing the drastic temperature change between their hands. Alex was always warmer. Cathy continued,

"I couldn't bring myself to interrupt your admiration to the stars, so I sat quietly on a balcony staring at you, staring at the stars…"

"…and I completely missed the fireworks,"

