How do you define destiny?
Do you believe its existence?
If you asked me that question; I would definitely say, yes.
I do believe a destiny does exist; it played an important part in every each memento of our life. We met someone last night, today and even in the future as if it's already meant to be.
Someday, someone will definitely leave us in many different ways; regardless in a good or a bad hurtful way, and literally will makes us falls apart and yet someone will come to us in a very unexpectedly way and will filled those missing pieces in our life.
Being separated with someone you love or hate; it really does hurt but in either way if someone are destined to be seeing each other again even after so many years, it seemingly certain to happen.
Everything that happening to us; we simply cannot expect or predict of how does it going to happen or how it ended.
But the most inportant thing is we need to make a choice and decision in order to creates our own happiness and destiny, It may not be easy to faced through all those struggles; but that's how it works.
Because destiny is not a thing to be waited for or a matter of chance but it is a thing that need to be achieved.