Chapter 6

Two months go by, at least, Stiles thinks two months has gone by. He really doesn't know.

Stiles loses the fights in the ring on purpose. Knowing that if he wins again, the witch will come back to try and rape him. He rather gets beaten and sliced into him than raped. She is now almost every day in his cell, just cutting into him like he is freaking wood, waiting to be carved.

Luckily the fights aren't to death. He gets beaten up a lot, and the slashes he gets don't heal that fast if they come from an Alpha wolf. His captors try to push him so he will lose control. They even have shocked him while in the ring, but Stiles only shows them great control. Feeling smug internally that his captors hate seeing it on him.

His wolf is whining when he loses fights, knowing that he could win if he wanted to. But his human side doesn't give in. He keeps working out, waiting for the right moment to break out.

He thinks he has been here for at least six months now when the door opens and his two captors walk in, dragging two figures with them.

They are both struggling to keep upright, and Stiles can smell blood. Stiles keeps an eye on his captors and the two people with them from the moment the door opens. He doesn't stand or ask his captors what they are doing here. He doesn't have the power in him to care at the moment.

It's usually the same when they drag someone in with them. The captors will ask him to bite the person, then they leave Stiles alone again. It feels like the captors are building an army from the people he needs to bite.

He always declines, of course, but when he does, he will get shocked and hold down until they force him to bite the men or women.

The captors open his cell door, pointing a gun at him while they drag the two people in. Stiles sees that it's a man and a woman. They are both bruised. When Stiles smells them, he can smell that they are human. Well, the man is human, the woman smells completely different, but he can't place it what it is. But he is drawn to her.

For the first time in months, he is interested in one of the people they are dragging in. He stands before he can register what he is doing.

''Get down, Alpha.'' His captor grunts.

''No. Let her go.'' Stiles says before he can stop himself, staring at the woman, we doesn't look at him. The captors seem taken aback for a moment.

''Why do you care?''

''I - I - don't know,'' Stiles mumbles, frustrated that he doesn't know why he feels like this and afraid that his captors are going to use it against him.

The guy that is being dragged in lifts his head. He looks a little like Jackson, with an arrogant sneer and all. He only has black hair and blue eyes.

''Let us go!'' He yells at the captors, but they only toss him on the floor almost next to Stiles. The guy grunts from pain and Stiles heard a bone snap when the guy fell down on his wrist. Stiles winces in sympathy.

''Adam!'' The girl shrieks before being also pushed down.

''Tessa! Keep your hands off my girlfriend!'' The guy, Adam, sneers. Stiles sees the girl flinch.

One of the captors aims the gun at the girl before looking at Stiles.

''Bite them, Alpha.''

''NO!'' Stiles bellows, snarling and letting his wolf come forward.

''What the fuck!'' Adam says with wide eyes and a shocked face.

The girl, Tessa, Stiles's brain provides, is only staring with wide eyes at Stiles, but Stiles doesn't smell confusion coming of her. He can't place the smells coming from her. Only fear, but she isn't afraid because of him. She is, however, afraid of the gun now pushed against her skull.

Adam, however, is scrambling away from the gun and Stiles, almost pissing his pants. Oh, wait, no, he is definitely pissing his pants now.

''Please let me go! Please! I have money, I could pay you!''

''We don't care, boy. We need you for other reasons.'' One of the captors says. Stiles still doesn't know their names even after six months.

''Wh-What kind of reasons?'' The girl mumbles. She looks young and afraid, but Stiles has the feeling that she could burn everything to the ground around her and laugh about it. It seems like she is on purpose, making herself seem small.

''Shut up! Alpha, bite the boy.'' Comes the growling command.

The girl is now watching Stiles, and when their eyes lock, Stiles feels his breath catch. She is slowly shaking her head with her eyes trained on Stiles. But that isn't the reason why Stiles's breath catches.

She has light blonde hair, almost white, and her eyes are grey. The outline of her iris is darker, and it looks like a ring around the color of her eyes. Freckles are all over her pale face, and her nose is a little upturned. She looks like a thunderstorm about to happen, and Stiles just wants to stand in the rain listening to the thunder. Her bottom lip is split, and she has scratches on her face, but none are bleeding.

The captor hits the girl across the cheek, the moment between them is broken, and Stiles lets out a loud growl.

''NO! I will not bite him.'' Stiles says through his fangs.

The other captor has lost his patience and draws his stun gun and shoots Stiles with it. Stiles feels the shocks course through his body before falling to his knees. He lets out a scream from the shocks. Every muscle in him is spasming.

He can feel his jaws being worked open before Adam is screaming and struggling to get away from one of the captors that is forcefully trying to put his wrist between Stiles jaws. When the wrist is between Stiles's teeth, they shock Stiles again, so he automatically bites down.

Stiles can hear Tessa screaming. After a couple of moments, he finally can let Adam's wrist go. He spits out the blood that has gathered in his mouth. He looks back at Adam with an apology on his lips.

But Adam scrambles away from him in the furthest corner that's possible.

''I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't want to do it!'' Stiles yells. The boy looks terrified and is cradling his wrist to his chest.

''Alpha, now the girl.''

Stiles whirls his head around to look incredulous at the captors.

''What!? No!'' He tries, but again he is shot with the stun gun.

When the stunning stops, he is panting and growling. He hears shuffling, and he looks to his right. Tessa is now next to him, holding out her wrist.

''Do it. I don't want them to hurt you again.'' She says with steel in her voice while glaring at the captors.

Stiles is stunned. Why would she care about him?

''You sure?'' He rasps out.

''Yes, they will force it on me otherwise. This way, I at least have some kind of control. Do it, Alpha.'' She says softly, and Stiles feels a pleasant shiver travel through his body when she says Alpha.

''Okay, Tessa,'' Stiles says while looking her straight in the eyes. Her eyes widen a little when he says her name. Stiles then softly grabs her wrist and ghost his lips over her pulse point before his fangs drop, and he bites down. She gasps but doesn't let out a whimper.

''Good girl,'' Stiles whispers before he can stop himself. She swallows thickly and purses her lips. Stiles catches a faint smell of arousal, knowing how it smells because of Amber. He tries to hold back his smirk, especially when Adam starts to whimper.

The cell door opens and closes with a snap, and Stiles blinks out of his daze and looks at the retreating backs.

''Hey! Hey! Where are you going?'' Stiles yells while he throws himself at the bars. They never leave the people he needs to bite, and he doesn't understand why they would start now.

''None of your business. Take care of your new beta's.'' One of the captors says while laughing, and then they're gone.

Stiles hits the bars hard with his fist, again and again. He then feels a tug in his chest, and it's like a band snapped in place. He whirls around to look at the couple.