Chapter 11

He runs, runs, runs, runs, he doesn't know for how long, but he is in a forest, and he feels nature calling to him.

Stiles finally stops to breathe and drink when he finds a small creek. Stiles finally feels the exhaustion from running for so long. He thinks it was at least three hours that he has run. It's getting dark now, but he doesn't care. He is free. He is really free!

A surprised laugh escapes him, and he can't calm down. He just keeps laughing like a deranged person. When he hears groaning coming from Tessa, he sits up and quickly gathers some water for her to drink.

''Come on, Tessa, come on, drink, you deserve it.'' Stiles croons, she finally gulps something down, and it helps her wake up a little more.

''Where are we?''

''I have no idea, but we aren't there anymore!'' Stiles says while grinning like a fool.

''How?'' Tessa asks, and she looks up at him with wonder in her eyes.

''You blasted the bitch-witch, and the whole building came crumbling down. You-are-freaking-amazing!'' He says while putting his hands on her face and squishing.

She laughs and tries to slap his hands away.

''Really? We are free?''

''Yes! I can't believe it. We can go home, we can- fuck.'' Stiles says before realizing that he can't go home just like that.

Everybody thinks he's dead, he is trapped in the UK for fucks sake, he doesn't know where he is at this moment, he is an Alpha. Could he even go back to Beacon Hills to live there? He starts to panic. How will the pack react? How will his dad react? How will Derek react? Fuck, fuck, fuck..

He feels a hand on his chest, and he feels his own hand being pressed against Tessa's chest. She ducks so she can look into his eyes.

''Hé, calm down, whatever is on your mind, we will deal with it. Stiles, listen to me, feel my breathing, that's it, breathe with me, come on.''

Stiles looks into her grey eyes, they look so kind, but he sees what she doesn't show. She is scared too, so many new things for her to learn. Tessa showed great power, and by the looks of it, she didn't even know that she could do such things. She needs Stiles to help her through it. Tessa needs Stiles, but Stiles needs Tessa just as much.

''I'm okay, I'm okay, I just- I just panicked for a moment. I have been away for eight months. I don't know how to go back to my life if they would even want me. I'm so fucked up. I'm sorry you're stuck with me.''

''Hey, look at me-'' Stiles reluctantly raises his head to look Tessa in the eyes when she pulls harshly on his jaw. A low growl escapes, but she just raises her eyebrow.

''We can take it as fast or slow as you want. You don't have to rush home, you can take it slow, and when you're ready, we can leave to your home, to your dad, and to your old pack, and then we will see how they will react. But you don't have anything to be sorry about, nothing- and I mean, nothing you did was because you wanted it to happen. You aren't fucked up. Okay?'' Tessa says while calmly stroking Stiles's cheekbones.

He feels instantly calm by the motion, he doesn't really believe what she is saying, but he will try to believe it.

A branch snaps nearby, and they are both on alert. They look around but don't see anything.

''Maybe we should go to my house. I don't know where we are, but I don't think they took me far. Did you see any signs?''

''No, I ran so fast everything was a blur.''

Tessa nods her head before standing up and pulling Stiles with her. She loses her balance for a moment before he steadies her. She blushes pretty but then pulls away.

Stiles feels a pang of sadness from the loss of contact but then scolds himself. Tessa just lost her boyfriend. She doesn't need some jerk to make advances.

They walk in silence until they find a sign. They are in the Aston Rowant National Nature reserve. They quickly find a road and start walking towards Londen. Tessa seems to know the place and is confident. It will be a long walk, but they don't mind.

When they are walking for about two hours, a car pulls up. Stiles is still in only sweatpants, and Tessa looks like she just rolled through the forest down a hill.

Not the most beautiful sight, but Stiles can't help but think that she is still beautiful. Focus Stiles!

''Hey! Do you need a ride?'' The woman from inside the car yells. She is shushed by her passenger.

''Are you insane? You can't pick up random strangers and offer them a ride!'' The passenger hisses. Probably thinking that the people outside can't hear her.

''I'm driving, so I can and I will. They look like they have gone through the wringer. Maybe they were robbed or something.'' The driver hisses back.

Tessa takes a deep breath before looking like she might cry. Stiles panics for a moment until she grabs his hand and drags him to the car.

She starts to sniffle, and finally, and some tears fall down. Stiles is looking at her incredulously before she squeezes his hand and looks at him with a 'follow my lead' look. And Stiles finally understands. She is going to lie her ass off.