Chapter 14

Stiles pulls Tessa down onto his chest and brings his arms around her. He calms her down and whispers his own thoughts.

''My mom died from frontotemporal dementia when I was seven. My dad couldn't take it for a long time, so he drank. I lost one parent and became one to another. After two years, he got into an accident. I was so worried and got into a big panic attack until I needed to go to the hospital. When my dad was told, he finally pulled his head out of his ass and became the parent again, but I kept taking care of him. When my mom-'' He swallows back the lump in his throat before continuing.

''When my mom got sick, she remembered me at first. She only forgot where she put stuff. Until one day, I came home from school, and she was standing in the middle of the living room, just staring at a wall. When I tried to get her attention, she snapped at me and called me evil. She kept throwing things at me and yelling awful things. No child of seven years old should hear his mom talk to him like that. My dad got home. He is the sheriff and was called because of a disturbance in his own home. They restrained her and took her away to a nursing home. I tried to stop the men taking my mom, but my dad wouldn't let me.''

''That's awful, Stiles. I'm sorry you had to go through that.'' Tessa whispers back. Sadness intruded her scent.

''I wanted you to know that I know how it feels when someone you love forgets you. And I'm so, so, afraid that everybody at home is forgetting me.'' He says, speaking his fears out loud for the first time in months.

''You shouldn't, I don't think anybody could forget you. Unless they're sick and can't help it.'' Tessa whispers back.

''I hope you're right.'' He mumbles, not fully convinced. They fall asleep, tangled together and forgetting the rest of the world for now.

Stiles and Tessa fall into an easy rhythm in the following weeks. Tessa is apparently a painter and a tattoo artist with her own shop. She only works on appointments, so she can plan her days off whenever she wants.

Every time she is painting, Stiles sits with her and reads. It calms him, and he needs to stay close to Tessa. He doesn't know if it's his own feelings or his wolf talking. But he just wants to stay close. Whenever she does have an appointment, he just goes with her, watching her work. It's mesmerizing. When Scott wanted a tattoo and Stiles went with him, he was afraid of the needle, but now it's soothing. He tried to help around because she is paying for everything, but she wouldn't let him.

''You're the Alpha. Your pack needs to provide for you.'' She says with a, 'and that's final' voice.'

''I think you got that turned around, Tess.'' He said with raised eyebrows, but she just waved him away.

The first week Tessa is on a mission to make Stiles as comfortable as possible. They sleep in a bed together, and he may scent her whenever he wants. Stiles is seriously touch starved and didn't even notice how much he missed just simply touching people around him. He cuddles her at night, touches her shoulder or neck when he walks by, takes her hand when they are walking outside. And they wrestle together a lot, and Stiles is having way too much fun with it. Already two side tables and three vases have been broken, but Tessa doesn't seem to mind it at all.

''I'm so sorry!'' He said when he fell down on the side table, grunting when a couple of splinters had lodged themselves in the palm of his hand.

''Pfft, you're not, and that thing was ugly anyway.'' Tessa simply said before helping him with the splinters.

She ordered all kinds of new clothes for Stiles so he could finally have something of his own again. She even buys him a phone, but he doesn't use it yet. He just can't put his mind to it and call his dad and pack. He knows the phone numbers, but he just can't.

She didn't push him to make contact with his old pack or with his dad. She didn't order him around. She let him set the pace. It was nice to finally feel like himself again. Stiles didn't know how much he had changed in the last couple of months of his capture. His nightmares didn't let him go, but Tessa did everything she could to help him feel relaxed, happy, safe. It felt good to be someone's number one priority.

Tessa had control issues the first couple of weeks of them living together, but one day it was like a button was switched, and she had perfect control. They were together now for at least a month. And he was feeling at ease with her. He trusted her already and felt at home in their own little bubble.

It didn't help that she was beautiful, strong-headed, and sweet when she wanted to be because she could be a real bitch whenever someone gave her crap.

''Tess, did you find an anchor? You haven't wolfed out in the last couple of days, and I know I'm annoying you enough to get some kind of reaction.'' Stiles says while sliding his arms around her waist. Plastering himself to her back. He loved this kind of touching, they both knew they were attracted to each other, but they didn't do anything about it. They were both freaking stubborn. So with simple touches, Stiles knew he could drive her crazy.

''Y-yeah, I think I did,'' Tessa said while turning her head away, but her scent was wafting embarrassment, and that got Stiles curious.

He got closer and whispered in her ear.

''What is it? Come on, tell me, tell your Alpha.'' He said with a husky voice, knowing he was teasing her, but he loved her reactions to it.

A shiver ran down Tessa's back, and Stiles smirked when her scent turned spicy with arousal. He wasn't unaffected either. He carefully pulled his hips back so she wouldn't feel his erection pressed against her ass.

''Stiles, don't do this if you aren't going to finish it.'' She said with a growl.

''Who said I wasn't going to finish it?'' He asked huskily.