Chapter 38

The bulking man that walked inside the ring did nothing for Stiles. He wasn't afraid. He wasn't terrified. He felt calm.

He was thinking of Derek, still back in their cell. He needed to get him out as soon as possible. Knowing that shit was about to down.

The crowd was chanting again, but it wasn't Stiles's name now. No, they were chanting for the big Alpha that would fight Stiles. He grimaced and scanned the crowd again.

Stiles could see Scott's gaping expression and his father's grim one. All of them clearly afraid that Stiles couldn't defeat this man, but they hadn't seen Stiles fight.

Stiles scanned his opponent. He saw that the man favored his left knee. So his right would maybe be weak. What was a little strange for a werewolf, but Stiles would take it. He then saw the determination in the other Alpha's face.

And Stiles just thought: figures that today I would get someone with killer intent. He snarls at the bigger man, making the crowd laugh. He heard the bets against him. And then he hears Peter in between.

''1000 on the Spark.'' It seemed that people around Peter were shocked, but Stiles smirked inside.

''We don't have to do this, dude.'' Stiles always tried to reason with his opponents, but they never listened. They really should.

The man only growled menacingly at Stiles, and Stiles shrugged.

''Your funeral.'' This seemed to tick off the Alpha, and he took a step in Stiles's direction.

But Stiles really was done playing. Knowing that he would get out today, whatever it took, together with Derek.

He let his wolf take over, and he turned into his wolf form right in front of the other Alpha, who looked shocked and scared. Stiles grinned a real wolfish grin now and stepped towards the man.

He backed away before finding his resolve again. He lunged at Stiles, but Stiles was a wolf now. He was faster, stronger, and more determined to finish this fight soon.

Stiles ducked away and sunk his teeth in the other Alpha's right calf. Knowing that that was his bad leg. The crowd was going wild now blood was spilled. The Alpha cried out and slapped at Stiles, hitting him in his flank, but Stiles held on.

The Alpha stumbled and fell to his knees, just what Stiles wanted. He lunged with his whole wolf form at the man's back, tipping him over on his face. Stiles could hear a crunch from the man's nose.

He then placed his fangs on the Alpha's neck, holding him down until the man would submit. The man struggled and tried to get up, but Stiles wasn't playing around.

Stiles bit down harder, not hard enough to kill the Alpha, but enough to let him know that he would if the man wouldn't submit.

The man finally gave up, making Stiles let go. Stiles stepped away when two men came in to drag the other Alpha out. But he stayed in his wolf form. Glaring at Amber.

She was smirking and clearly was glad for the turn of events and that Stiles had turned into a wolf in the ring. She probably was thinking that it would make more money.

She stepped inside the ring, and really, that was what Stiles had been waiting for. He was ready to strike, to tear her apart.

He heard a commotion at the entrance of the building and knew it was a distraction. It would begin now. He heard a phone ring and listened when he heard a familiar voice.

''It's done. Get ready.''

Amber also seemed distracted and turned her head slightly towards the commotion in the hallway. Stiles took the opportunity and lunged.

Amber screamed and tried to get away, but Stiles was faster. He bit down on her throat and ripped with all his strength. Her head came off, and Stiles let it hit the wall. He then howled, howled for his pack, howled for his victory, and howled for his mate.

Everyone from Derek's and his pack joined him. He could feel the bonds snap into place, Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam. Only Isaac's not yet. But that wasn't strange. He hadn't talked to the man in more than a year.

He thought that the bonds would snap in place when Derek and Stiles would be mated, but he could feel that everyone worked together to get their Alpha's out.

That was apparently enough. Finally, Stiles could hear the howl he needed to hear—Derek's.

He ran towards the sound. He knew where his cell was, but the howl was what he needed to hear to make sure that Derek was okay. He could hear Jackson, Lydia, and Tessa behind him. He now knew that Lydia and Tessa were the reason for the distraction.

He turned in the hallways swiftly until he finally was back at his cell again. He only didn't expect three guards standing inside with guns aimed at Derek.

Derek was growling and bleeding, not from bullets but from knife marks. Those bastards had tortured Derek when Stiles was in a fight!

Stiles snarled at the men, taking a careful step closer. Jackson, Lydia, and Tessa behind him, Tessa was arguing with Lydia that she should stay behind the wall, but Lydia wasn't having any of it.

''I'm not just going to stand here! I'm not weak!''

''I never said you were, babe, but bullets will hurt you more than the other wolves or me.''

''If it's wolfsbane, it will be worse for you!''

''I'm going to do this. Stay safe, Lydia.''

Then Tessa took the decision out of everyone's hands. She kissed Lydia, and when the fuck did that happen? Nevermind, focus Stiles. And Tessa stepped next to Stiles before her eyes glowed white, gold and silver. She threw her hands up, and the men were thrown against the walls, but one of them had turned around before Tessa could cast her magic at him.

He shot at the exact moment the magic hit him. Stiles flinched from the loud sound. He then heard a thud and a gasp. When he turned around, everything was happening in slow motion. He turned back into human form and caught Tessa when her knees started to buckle. A large wound in her chest. Just below her heart.