Chapter 40

Warning! Smut at the end of this chapter!


Stiles growled a little but calmed down when he felt Derek's hand in his fur. He was going to take advantage of rubs, dammit!

When they got outside, they saw that the hunters from Chris had riled up the entire ring. Scott and Isaac are standing next to them proudly. When they saw Derek and Stiles in his wolf form, they rush to him instantly. Malia and Liam weren't with them on the mission, Liam was too young, and Malia was watching him because he didn't like being excluded.

''Derek! We didn't felt your bond anymore, what happened?'' Scott asked frantically, checking Derek for injuries. Stiles felt his heart swell that Scott was concerned about Derek. Knowing that they had a rocky past.

''I'm not Alpha anymore. That's the reason.'' Derek said with a soft smile. Isaac nodded.

''I thought it felt the same as when it happened with Cora. But back then, I didn't really know about the bonds.''

''Good to see you, Isaac! How was France? Finally finished school there?'' Derek said while pulling Isaac in a hug. Isaac was still pack but had chosen to stay in France to finish his school before he would come back to Beacon Hills.

''Yeah! But what now? Who is going to be my Alpha now?'' Isaac said in a timid voice.

Stiles instantly yipped from his place next to Derek and flashed his red eyes at Isaac. Isaac flashed golden back, and the bond snapped in place. Isaac gasped.

''Holy shit, Stiles! Nice to see you again, even if it's like this.'' Isaac said while gesturing to Stiles's wolf form.

Stiles then threw his head in his neck and howled, followed by the rest of his pack. Even his dad attempted a howl, and Stiles thought he could actual burst from happiness.

Everybody was at Derek's place, celebrating their return. The place was clean, but they still could smell the little fires that had been in the loft. Stiles didn't let Tessa out of his sight for the entire evening until she said that she was going with Lydia and would stay the night there.

Stiles laughed and pulled her in a hug.

''Be careful. You will not want to let her go anytime soon.''

''I'm counting on it,'' Tessa smirked back.

They left quickly after, and Stiles and Derek wanted to be alone, but like alone, alone, when everybody had made sure that they were alright, Stiles sent them home.

Derek let out a big sigh as soon as Stiles's dad and Peter stepped out of the loft last.

Stiles walked to him, his eyes flashing red and a smirk on his face. They

didn't want anything else but each other right now.

Derek met him halfway, pulling him flush against him before their lips met in a fiery kiss.

They stood there for a couple of minutes, just stroking each other leisurely and kissing until Stiles pulls away to bite Derek's neck.

The moan he gets from Derek should be registered as a deadly sin because Stiles is pretty sure that he died and has gone to heaven.

''I can't believe that I can finally can claim you as mine,'' Stiles whispers against Derek's skin.

Derek groans in response before claiming Stiles's lips again. Stiles guides Derek slowly to the bedroom. All the while stripping them gently. First goes Derek's shirt, then Stiles's, Stiles kicks out his shoes and takes off his socks, and when he places a hand on Derek's belt, he quickly follows with his shoes and socks.

Stiles opens Derek's belt while grabbing Derek's straining cock through his jeans. Stiles hums against Derek's lips before pulling away to push Derek on the bed.

He then pulls off Derek's jeans. Derek looks perfect like this on the bed. Completely naked and flushed by Stiles administrations. The cocky smirk that Stiles has on his face is there to stay.

He did that. He made Derek fucking Hale look like that. He can't help himself but crawl over Derek so he can kiss him again, then he goes lower, sucking on Derek's skin, leaving love bites everywhere he goes. They fade, of course, but Derek seems to love them if Stiles can guess from the sounds Derek is making.

Stiles finally reaches Derek's hipbone and starts to suck another love bite, making Derek arch from the bed.

''Someones sensitive,'' He murmurs against Derek's skin. A playful look is aimed at Derek while he's kneeling between Derek's legs.

''Fuck, Stiles-'' Derek says breathlessly.