Problem of the heart

As they went back to the table, she noticed that her father was conversing with Edward. Based on her father's face, he appeared to be smiling but behind that smile, she knew that he was investigating Edward in his subtle way. Slowly uncovering any secrets that he might be hiding.

"Dad, stop cross-examining our guests." She sat on the chair in between her dad and Edward while George sat on the other side of the table from their dad, then Marge was on the opposite side with Alex beside her.

"I'm not doing such a thing. We're just enjoying a simple conversation." Her dad appeared to be innocent of her accusation, but she knew it was just an act. If she was good at acting, he was better.

"Ok, fine." Letting the issue dropped. She was just glad that Edward's presence today was not because of his health. George said that their dad was on the road to full recovery as long as he complied with their counsel.

Since Alex was already familiar with their dad, working under him as a senior partner at his firm, while Edward was one of his doctors, the conversation around the table flowed with ease.

She knew that from the way her dad was behaving, he was impressed with both Alex and Edward. In a way, he was giving his blessing to the two men to proceed in courting his daughters. She was not sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Hey, Sab. Will you be interested to participate in a fundraising program we are organizing at the hospital?" George interjected along with the conversation. "It will be this week."

Sabrina turned her face to her sister, curious about her offer. "What's it about?"

"It's for the children's ward. Several of them needed some financial assistance but most importantly cheering up. Your presence might help uplift their mood." George explained. "Besides, Edward told me what you did at the orphanage. We could also use something like that."

"Maybe you can spare some time for charity." Her dad added, thinking that it could help her in whatever she was going through. Since last year, he noticed a big change in his daughter. He was not quite sure if it was for the best, but he was sure that she still needed help. Call it a mother's intuition. Well, he had been acting as her mother all her life.

"Of course, I'm willing to help." She smiled with delight. After her experience at the orphanage, she was excited to do it again.

She had to discuss this with Jessica, but she was sure she would also agree that it would be good for her career. Although it was the last thing in her mind, she had to be realistic, her appearance in the hospital would certainly create a commotion in the media. It was not something that would go unnoticed compared to the event in the orphanage, where it was private.

A ringing of the phone alerted George of an incoming call. Not a few seconds later, Edward's phone rang too. It appeared that there was an emergency at the hospital and both of them were being summoned to respond.

"Sorry, Dad, everyone, but we have to go now," George announced, indicating that Edward also had to leave with her. Edward made his excused and left with her sister in a hurry.

After a while, Alex finally bade farewell. Marge excused herself and left with Alex, leaving her and her dad on the table.

"So." Her dad started but paused as if he was trying to think of the appropriate word to say.

"Spill it, Dad." She narrowed her eyes, knowing that her dad was about to impart his wisdom.

"I just want to know if you're serious with Edward. He seemed to be a good guy. I certainly approve if you'll go on…" He was not able to continue as she held her hands to stop him.

"I don't know, Dad." She wanted to find the right words to explain to her dad how she felt about Edward.

"What do you mean?" Her dad extended his hand on the table and reached for hers.

"I don't think I'm ready to commit to another relationship." She told him honestly.

"It had been a year. You have to move on, darling." Her dad moved closer to her and enveloped her in his embrace.

It was the first time that they had talked about anything remotely related to the scandal incident. She was not sure if it was the soft tone of her father's voice as he tried to soothe her or the warmth of his body, she found herself crying for the first time in his arms.

She could not remember the last time that he pacified her. It was such a long time ago, but she welcomed it now, at a time that she felt so vulnerable.

"Why are you crying? Do you still love Brad?" He asked with such a calm tone. She could not find any hint of anger or disgust in it.

"It's not that." She replied, weighing her words. She was sure that her tears were not for Brad, but someone else. She just had no idea how to tell her dad about her secret affair.

"Then, tell me. I might be able to help." He offered while running his fingers through her hair.

"I'm ok, Dad. I think I just miss your hug." She wiped her tears with the napkin on the table and cleared her throat.

She was not ready to tell him about Raf. Then again, she felt that it was a secret that she would have to carry with her until she laid on her grave.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything." Her dad unwillingly let her go. He could pick up if any of his daughters was keeping something from him. He was positive that she still has a secret that was weighing down on her.

"Yeah. Just give me some more time. I will be good as new." She smiled at her dad who also forced a smile on his lips.

He wanted so much to make things better for his youngest daughter. He just hoped that time could help her heal her wounds.

He might have recovered from his problems of the heart, but her daughter's heart could not be cured in the same way.