Act the part

"So, tell me about yourself or your plans for the future? That is if you don't mind me asking." She asked Ella as they settled on the table of a restaurant just near the beach. She was genuinely interested to know more about her. She rarely met other people, especially outside her social circle.

It was a huge native hut with an open space that had at least thirty tables. There was also an option to stay indoors where air conditioning was available for those who wished to get out of the heat of the sun.

She chose to be outside since the wind was starting to pick up. It felt refreshing to be one with nature once again, instead of being coup up in her apartment or stuck in traffic back in the city.

"Are you sure you want to talk about me? My life is pretty much plain compared to yours." She admitted, not sure if she was seriously interested in her or was just being nice.