Perish the universe, provided I have my revenge ― CYRANO DE BERGERAC

"So wait…let me get this straight. I'm not to talk to anyone or ask anything or go anywhere without your permission. Also apparently, I can't leave until I am dismissed like one of your lackeys. Is that right?" Her eyes narrowed. Cat's voice had grown gradually soft with each word.

He continued to just look at her in his calm and authoritarian don't-dare-to-mess-with-me way which infuriated her even more.

"You may be rich as Croesus and be able to get away with that king-of-all-I-survey attitude with your staff and colleagues. But I am not one of your lackeys, do you get that? I am here to do a job and I'll do it with or without your assistance. If you want my cooperation, you will explain why and if not, then go. To. Hell."

Alex continued to just insufferably stare back at her with a half smirk. Then, in a moment of madness, the fateful words slipped out, "What will you do anyway if I don't follow your overbearing orders? Are you going to lock me in your lair's dungeon, my vile liege?"

With each word, her temper flared and she narrowed the distance between them to get in his face.


He rarely used her first name as a chilling warning. So, she knew he was pissed off.

Oh hell.

So was I.

Tough luck.

"What, my lord jerk?" She asked sweetly as she saw her green irises reflected back in his.

"I'd forgotten your eyes could do that," He murmured and lifted his hand to her cheek.

She blinked. She hated feeling self-conscious, especially around him, and just like that the fight left her.

How the hell did he do that?

"W-what?" She whispered unsteadily as she felt his fingers lightly stroke her cheekbone and trail down to her chin. She flinched, "Don't do that."

"Why not?"


"Your eyes… they turn a deep jade when you're angry or scared, the color of summer skies when you're happy or calm, and a sizzling molten caramel when you're aroused," Alex drawled out huskily as each word dropped like a caress on her skin.

"Like right now," He slowly bent his head and gave her ample time to move away. She stood transfixed as if under a spell. His breath fanned her lips as he stopped just before their lips met. The crazed anticipation and warm illusion created as his lips feathered just above hers were killing her.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this. Open for me, Catriona," He breathed into her.

She melted at just hearing him call her by his given name that was an endearment and confession of the utmost weakness they felt for each other, all on its own. She hated him for that.

With all the dammed-up anger and frustration she felt inside mixed with all the burning desire and passion that only he could invoke and something… that was best left hidden and buried deep, she responded back. Despite her self-made promises and previous iron control, all her yearnings and insecurities secreted away over the past eight years came rushing to the fore. She was swept away in a deluge of sensation.

She didn't like to be kissed. After recovering from the trauma she'd been through when she'd been captured, she trained her body's natural responses. After a couple of guys had made her feel nothing at all, she'd given up. Cat conceded to a life of chastity and just surviving. It felt as if her body had gone to sleep after the torture she'd endured. Only to be awoken now with a vengeance that scared her at the same time as it mortified her down to the depths of her scarred soul.