The justice I have received, I shall give back ― PATRICIA HIGHSMITH

Nate looked at Cat seeking reassurance and she nodded that it was okay. Although what could he have done for her against the towering, annoyed 160-pounds of hard-muscled male flesh? She couldn't imagine. Though Nate wasn't the winner in the muscled, lean body category he was cute in the dark-haired, dark-brown-eyed with a firm body way. He winked at her and she smiled back as Nate left. By the time the door shut behind him, she gathered her anger with Alex.

He'd said no without even asking her? Who the hell did Lord Arrogance think he was and what prior engagement was he talking about?

Confronting those two so soon after Alex and she had almost...kissed and been timely interrupted. No big deal. Thank God or who knows how far she would've gone?

Don't go there, Cat.

Looking at Alex glaring back at her, she felt a little embarrassment diluting her rage and spoke first, "Just what in the hell was that?"

"That was me keeping my employees from falling under your spell and safeguarding them. They may not know how duplicitous you are. But, I do."

"Oh, do you? Tell me then Alex, if I am so duplicitous who is going to protect you from me?"

"I can take care of myself Cat, don't you worry about me and for the foreseeable future, you will not be socializing with any of my staff."

"Or what? Is that jealousy I detect Alex?"

"Jealousy is for children and people with self-esteem issues, sweetheart. I'm as self-assured as they come."

"Don't you mean, egotistical and arrogant?" She mocked.

"Whatever turns you on, babe," he drawled.

"Get your head out of your butt, Alex. Or better yet, just leave me the hell alone."

She went back to her files on the desk and started piling them without paying any attention to what she was doing.

"I can't seem to, that's the whole fucking problem."

She didn't know if she'd been meant to hear that murmured confession. But it fired a flicker of light so deep and dark inside her that when she looked up in shocked amazement he spoke even more sarcastically. His next words made up for the false moment of hope she'd felt.

"Babe…really, Cat are we back to juvenile terms of endearment?" The insolent bastard smirked, "Oh wait, you went out with him when you were what-twelve, right?"

"What the hell is your problem? It's just a habit," He must have said something else under his breath.

"… Or a curse. Please don't tell me you used to call him baby or sweetie?" He actually shuddered, "That would be just too pathetic for words."

"He's just… what's it to you who calls me what and what I call them back?" She asked getting angrier.

"Not a thing apparently," Alex replied quietly.

"That's right and now tell me what prior engagement were you talking about?"

"I have already told you. You are not to leave this building alone and with my security staff here and Jason to protect you when you go home, it'll be better for you."

"Oh please spare me your caring employer act. What do you care what happens to me? This is just your twisted attempt to exert some influence in my life. You won't tell me about this mythical danger I'm in or about what you're protecting me from? I won't-"

"I'm not the one in deep denial Cat. I warned you we'll be picking up where we left off and I don't share."

He grabbed her arms and pulled her roughly to him. The files she was holding scattered like a house of cards as papers flew everywhere, "And you will do as I say. Or-"

"Or what?"

"You just asked me that a little while ago. Do you remember?" Alex asked huskily.

Realizing just how close they were standing and feeling his hard cock nudging her stomach, she was drawn into the spellbinding haze of that lunatic kiss again. He kissed her again, a little too hard, but all too briefly it ended. He pushed her away as he quickly moved to the door.

The usual mask of arrogant, ruthless businessman veiled his soft eyes and features as he brusquely said, "I just came in to tell you that since I'm going to China for finalizing a deal, you'll stay here and review all the files and data given. I've instructed Claire to help you if you need anything and she has all my contact information in case of an emergency."

He was leaving? So soon after?

After what, Cat. You need to focus.

He turned to leave when she heard her voice come out in a breathy and desperate tone.

"When will you be back?" She winced.

"Why Catrina? One could almost hope you'll miss me," Her nemesis mocked.

"No one misses a hole in the head or a snake in the grass if one can help it. I just asked how long I would have to suffer your self-imposed mandate making my job that much more difficult," This time her tone was more bearable.

"I'll be back in a week, two at the most. If you manage to go through all the files and data you've requested, then you can ask Claire to set up interviews with the staff managers."

"Without you being present?"

"Jason and Claire will help you out with whatever you need."

She was so surprised at this small concession the king of control freaks was allowing her that she stared at him quite unguardedly. He took a step forward as if to pull her against him again, but then abruptly turned around and left.