The cure for pain is in the pain - RUMI

Cat opened the apartment door to find Alex looking like an ownerless puppy left on her doorstep. A lost angel in a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and charcoal t-shirt, he looked every bit like an all girl fantasy bad-boy dream come to life. It was déjà vu as her breath hitched and she was transported back to eight years ago, when he'd taken her on the most fabulous date of her life.

"I came to see how you were doing," There was genuine concern in his hoarse voice which bothered Cat because she knew he must've come here directly after reaching work. It must all have been handled discretely with Jerry and Detective Riley. 

Jolted back to reality, she saw the look of accusing worry in Alex's eyes. It was more than Cat could bear right then as she was still feeling a little vulnerable from the blows to her head. 

"I'm fine. I don't need you to check up on me," Cat refrained from clutching her head like a toddler in pain.