You got your revenge. All you had to do was betray everybody that cared about you - TAMRYN TAMER

Cat looked up to see her old friend standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Cat. What about that rain check? These macho tough-cops are driving me up the wall with their constant staring and mutterings. You sure look like you're in need of a break yourself…or two," Nate entered her office and looked at her with pleading eyes. 

"For that alone you, my friend are going to pay for all my drinks tonight."

"Sure, anything. We just have to take Starsky and Hutch along," Cat could sense his desperation as Nate pointed to the cops standing behind him. She tried to lighten the mood, "So? Finally feel as if you've achieved success now that you get a police escort?"

"I could've done without this particular honor," Nate replied drily.