A Long Time Later...

It feels like it's been years since he trapped me in this place. I've tried pounding, clawing, and even ramming into the door, but nothing works. Barely even a dent in the hinges. Though, my fingerprints and marks left from clawing on the door are still there. He's probably trying to give me false hope or something. Suddenly, I hear *his* laugh. Oh, how I hate that fucking laugh. "Hello again, William. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He says. "You clearly know the answer to that, you bitch!" I say. "Woah, woah, woah, is name calling really necessary?" He asks. "OF COURSE, IT FUCKING IS! YOU KILLED A BLOODY CHILD!" I say. He then laughs again. "Correction, I killed four. And I'm gonna kill more. But for now, I'm just gonna wait for the perfect time." He says. "NO, YOU WON'T, YOU-" I start to say before I get cut off by waking up in my bed. "Bitch..." I say in a whisper. I notice that Jennifer is in the bed with me, and she's still asleep, as far as I can tell. I start to get up, but I hear something. A baby crying? I get up and go to the source of the sound. I see a bright yellow room, with a crib, and two white drawers on either side. I walk towards the crib and see a child. It looks so adorable, and it has such beautiful eyes. I get the feeling that it's mine, but also, that it's not necessarily *mine*. I wasn't even able to see it born because of *him*. "Hey darling! Oh, you're taking care of Jeremy?" I hear Jennifer say from behind me. I don't want to make her worry, so I just say: "Oh yeah, honey! I heard him crying and I wanted to check on him!" "You're such a good father, honey." She says, before kissing my cheek briefly. "Well, you better get going! Henry needs your help at Fredbear's!" She says. "Oh, right! Thank you for reminding me!" I say. "You're welcome, honey." She says. I then get ready and start to drive to Fredbear's. Then, I see *him* in the passenger side of the car, but I'm pretty sure I'm awake. "How are you here!?" I exclaim. "I'm getting stronger, William. While you're getting weaker." He says with that usual calm and arrogant tone of his. "This is what the fragments of just four souls can do. Imagine what thirty can do!" He says. "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, YOU BITCH!" I say. "And what are you gonna do, huh? Cry? Like you did when dear old dad was mentally torturing you, OR LIKE YOU CRIED WHEN HE COMMITED SUICIDE?" He says, and then laughs. I then try to punch him, but my fist goes straight through him. "Hands on the wheel at all times, William." He says, as he points at a car that was about to collide with mine. I swerve out of the way and slow down the car to catch my breath. "Temper, William. That's always been one of your many flaws." He says. "Look who's talking. You killed four children! You bloody monster!" I yell. "Well, if I'm a monster, then what does that make you? I WAS created from YOUR mind, William!" He says. "No, I'm nothing like you!" I say. "Whatever you say... Oh, by the way. You missed your turn... Also, I fucked your wife, but you probably already knew that detail..." He says, before chuckling, as he fades away. "Ugh, I fucking hate you..." I say, knowing that he can still hear me.

I eventually get to Fredbear's and realize I forgot the keys. I then knock on the door. Eventually, Henry comes up to it and opens it. "Did you forget your keys, William?" He asks. "Yeah, I've been... stressed, lately." I say. "It's fine. I get that. Especially with Jeremy just being born." Henry says. "Heheh, yeah. Thanks for understanding." I say. "No problem, William! Now, let's get to work." Henry says.

I was inspecting the Bonnie animatronic for any flaws in its mechanics, and I heard *him* again. "Hello William." He says. "CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME AND EVERYONE AROUND ME ALONE?!" I yell. "Well, I could, but one: that's less fun. Two: I need your body, and this is the only way I can get it." He says. "Have you ever considered that maybe, you don't deserve it?" I ask. "Have you ever considered that maybe, I don't care?" He says before laughing. "What do you even plan on doing after you take over my body?" I ask. "Heheheheh, well, I suppose I should tell you. After all, you won't be there to experience it." He says, and then continues. "I will simply cause even more chaos. What else would there be to do?" "That's any fun, of course!" He adds. "YOU CALL KI-" I start to say, before he interrupts me. "Nuh-uh-uh. Henry's here. Imagine what might happen if he heard you yell that." He says. "I DON'T CARE! BEING IN A BLOODY MENTAL ASYLUM OR GOING TO JAIL IS BETTER THAN LETTING WHATEVER ELSE YOU HAVE PLANNED HAPPEN!" I yell. "You always make me have to do this, and here I thought I was being merciful. Letting you out of your cage to see your precious wife, and newborn son! Apparently, you're not grateful at all!" He says, as I start to black out again. "No. No! Henry..." I say, as I start to go towards the door, while I try to resist blacking out. But, in the end, I couldn't resist, and the darkness overwhelmed me.

I wake up behind that cursed metal door again. As soon as I realized this, I screamed out of frustration. Then, I sat down, my back against the cold metal of the door, once again.