He Always Comes Back

Dave had been in the safe room for so long. He lost track of the time long ago. Suddenly, a faint light comes into the room that had been engulfed by darkness so long ago. "Hey dude! I think I found something!" A female voice says from outside the room. A few moments pass and he hears another voice, except this one was male. "Woah! A secret room! How about that?" The voice says. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this thing open!" The male voice says. Then, the light continues to seep through. And eventually, the pair walks in with flashlights. They both appear to be fairly young. The woman's flashlight quickly landed on him. "Woah, take a look at this relic!" She says. "Oh, yeah, this is perfect for the attraction! Hahah! This must be our lucky day!" The man says. "Oh, how wrong you are, boy..." Dave thinks. "We should probably get something to carry it out, though. Because, it's probably pretty heavy." The man says. "On it." The woman says, before walking out of the room. "Oh, and could you get some gloves too?" The man calls out after her. "Yeah, don't worry! I was already going to!" The woman calls back. The man then looks back at the animatronic. He swore it was in a different position than before. Then again, his eyes might just be playing tricks on him. Eventually the woman came back with a platform truck and a pair of gloves. "Thank you." He says, before taking the gloves, putting them on, and attempting to lift the animatronic. "Damn, this thing is heavier than I thought It'd be." He says. "Need help?" The woman asks. "Yes, please." The man says. "Fine. Good thing I brought some extra gloves." She says, before putting the gloves on, grabbing the animatronics' legs, and helping the man lift it onto the platform truck. "Heh, with how old this thing looks; I'm surprised it didn't come apart the moment we picked it up." The woman says, jokingly. "Hahaha! Anyway, let's get going! This thing isn't going to move itself." The man says, before pushing the platform truck out of the room.

Henry was working on something, when William appeared behind him. Henry felt William's presence. "He's back, isn't he?" Henry says, without even turning around. "Yes, he is." William says. Henry sighs. "Spare me the details. Fazbear's Fright, right? " Henry says. "Yeah. Already heard about it, I assume?" William says. "Yeah, a group of young people bought out the building, and made it into a horror attraction. The company didn't even run it by me first." Henry says. "Yeah, Fazbear Entertainment has always been... pretty corrupt like that." William says. "Anyway, what do you propose we do?" William asks. "Nothing, at the moment. Jeremy just started working there. And the only thing I can think of doing would put his life in danger." Henry says. "And what's that?" William asks. "Burning the place down to the ground. I'll be able to do it this weekend, since it isn't opened on weekends. But, until then, make sure Jeremy is safe. I've come to care about him too." Henry says. "Okay, old friend. I will. Farewell, for now." William says. "Goodbye, for now, William." Henry says, before William fades away.

It was now the weekend. Henry had just sabotaged the wiring, to make the fire look like it was an accident. He then poured gasoline everywhere, lit a match, and threw the match on the ground, as he exited the building. He watched as the building went up in smoke. But, despite this victory, he feels like he might need to have a backup plan. And even if this is a permanent victory, there are still some loose ends that he has to tie up.