Leave The Demon to His Demons

Cassidy had found herself in Dave's purgatory and was talking to Charlotte. "Listen, Charlotte. I've done some thinking, and perhaps it's time for you to rest. I'm sure your father misses you, and-" Cassidy starts to say, but Charlotte interrupts her. "No! I'm not done yet!" Charlotte yells. "Charlotte, this hatred... It's consuming you... Plus, I think he's becoming numb to your torturing. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's starting to enjoy it, in some sick and twisted way!" Cassidy says. "LEAVE ME ALONE, CASSIDY! I'LL DECIDE WHEN I'M DONE!" Charlotte yells. "I'm sorry, Charlotte. You don't... hate me, do you?" Cassidy says. Charlotte sighs. "I don't hate you, but you need to stay out of my way." Charlotte says. Cassidy sighs, defeated. "Okay..." Cassidy says, as she walks away. Eventually, Cassidy found herself somewhere in limbo, talking to William. "Come and sit with me a while, Cassidy." He says, as he pats a spot next to him softly. Cassidy listens and sits next to him on the log. "Listen, Cassidy... Charlotte is just... so angry. I'm sure we've all been as angry as her, at one point or another..." William says. "I know... I just... wish she'd give this up... Her dad misses her so much..." Cassidy says. "Henry's a strong man. He'll get through this..." William says. "What about you?" Cassidy asks. "What about me? I gave up my happiness a long time ago, Cassidy." William says. "But you deserve it! You've helped so many people!" Cassidy says. "People that never would have died... if I didn't exist." William says. There is a moment of silence. William sighs. "Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else." William says. Cassidy thought for a while, and eventually, she laid her soul to rest.

Now the only sounds that William heard were the winds of his new "home," and the tormented screams of the demon that once tormented him.