
Chapter 2: goodbye

(POV: Kit)

Mother had sent Eric to go collect the jewellery from Ms Ponds. She lives at the other end of the street with her workshop on the opposite side of the road. It was barely a ten minute walk but Eric took half an hour to get there and back. My suspicions are that him and Ms ponds have a thing, she might have fallen for his dark black hair, or his grey eyes (which all my family had),or maybe the way his body looks, or maybe his stupidness but I'll never know.

The jewellery was beautiful. It was a small silver necklace with an amethyst encrusted pendant. The earrings are small amethyst rocks with small circles of silver wrapping and dropping from them. The bracelets were simple silver bands with larger ones to go further up my arm and the head piece looked like it could be a tiara worthy of a queen.

My mother helped me into my dress that was the most elegant clothing I've ever worn. The skirt was a dark blue with small crystals on the waistband and the top black. The perfect ball gown.

'Quick kit put on the shoes' mother was rushing me, she was very worried I wouldn't be ready in time. I put the shoes on. 'Look at them perfectly.' The shoes were black with silver lacing around the ankle, 'oh but look at you my daughter ready to go to the palace if it wasn't for the hair.'

My hair was slightly pulled away from my face, my hair falling down over my shoulders. I looked in the mirror as my mother put the headdress on. I look completely different to what I did an hour ago. I had bathed and changed my clothing and I saw a new person.

'Mum, what if I don't like it there? I mean what if I don't fit in with the others?'

'You'll be fine Kit, just remember who you are.' She said with doubt in her eyes.

'The carriage has arrived' Eric announced.

I walked outside to the carriage with a small bag with a few personal items in.

'Woah, and who are you?' Eric was so surprised that I actually looked like a girl for once. 'Well then "my lady" your carriage awaits.' I hugged my mum and Eric goodbye and stepped into the carriage. I waved and the carriage jolted forward.