
Chapter 6: I am the King

Chapter 6: and to begin

(POV: Leo ~the king)

The girls from my kingdom began flooding into the throne room and taking seats at the dining table. The rich eager girls fought to be closest to me. They believed because their daddy was rich and 'powerful' I couldn't turn them away without consequences. The poorer the girl the quieter and shyer they were, hiding their faces, barely making a noise.

Every girl was in the dining hall, I thought so anyway.

'Your majesty we are waiting on one girl, she has just entered the palace and is being escorted to her room and then down to here.' my butler Dylan told me a little shaky in his speech, probably from the fear of upsetting me.

Really , well she will have to be taught a lesson. I will wait for her before we begin our meal, but when i am meant to meet with each girl after our meal i want her to be seen last. Do you understand?' I instructed.

'Yes your majesty.'

We had waited five minutes for her to arrive. My goodness she was pretty, but something about her scared me, she made all the muscles in my body tense and ready to fight. She sat down and looked nervous, everyone was staring at her either in awe or disgust.

The meal began and finished with no tragedies and it was then time for the scan, to test whether they were a virgin or not. I phrased this differently to them saying if they were still flowered, i thought it would sound a little less scary that way.

These girls had basically been pulled from their houses because of a law. I would at least try to seem nice on their first day here.

Once all of them had been scanned it was time to split them into the different groups to be escorted back to their rooms where they would be staying for their remainder of their time here.

'Excuse me girls. Excuse me, please be quiet. Oh my. SHUT UP!' I was trying to be civil and kind, but that is just not who I am, especially with this amount of girls around me.

All the girls whirled around to face me, some graciously, others not so and some in fear. Over 500 girls were now facing me waiting anxiously for me to speak. They all were now holding coloured cards in their hands, orange and blue hung, like bunting, from their hands.

'Those with orange cards please stand on the right hand-side of the room and those with blue stand on the left.' I instructed, 'I believe you may have figured out which group you are in by now, but I will tell you anyway. Those with blue cards are deflowered, and those with orange aren't.' a lot of gasps, excuses and accusations whipped through the air, mostly from those who were considered 'rich' who held blue cards.

'Those with blue cards can not become more than a Lady in waiting. Now those with orange cards will have a room on the fourth floor of the east wing, and those with blue will be on the second floor of the east wing. Your rooms will have been relocated to where they need to be by now.' the rooms here can be moved around, I do not mean move their belongings to another room, I mean literally the rooms can move, swapping with another. Though this was mainly bedrooms. 'I will come to visit you all one by one tonight starting in half an hour. The girls with orange cards I will see first and then the girls with the blue cards i will see after. Now please follow your head maids for each group to your rooms.'

They all left without making a sound leaving me and a few servants left in the dining hall. I could hear footsteps moving at a very fast pace coming towards the room. The man entered the room breathless. It was Julius. He has been my best friend since a young age. From what i could gather Dylan had sent him to find the room where the late girl was staying, he had been running around the whole palace trying to find the room. Another maid then entered the room, she had probably been looking with Julius as she closely followed behind the girl to her room when she first arrived, as her appointed maid she had to.

'I found it.' he was talking out of breath, 'She is on the fourth floor second to last room on the right.'

Now I could make her pay for being late to dinner.