
Chapter 13

(POV: Kit)

I opened the door to reveal the king naked along with Harriet who was on the floor laughing. I looked down, my eyes avoiding his body.

"Sorry" I whispered as he took a step closer to me, "Goodmorning, m'lord." He came closer to me and I stepped back out of the doorway into the other room. He gestured for Harriet to leave at which she frowned. She gathered her dress off the floor and walked past me and out of the room.

"Look at me Kit." Leo commanded yet in a soft and gentle voice. When I did not obey he said it again but harsher and he grabbed my chin and pulled my face so I was looking into his eyes. "There, wasn't so hard. I didn't need to do that if you would have just listened." He let go off my chin and turned around walking towards the bed.

"I'm sorry m'lord." I looked down again at the floor avoiding him. He lay down in his bed spreading out not seeming to care I was in there with him.

"I suppose I will have to punish you for being late, bunny. And do you know what the punishment for being late is?" He asked me and raised his eyebrow.

"I don't know sir."

He got up from the bed and walked over to another door and disappeared, reappearing a few moments later wearing trousers.

"You don't know? Well I guess you'll have to find out." He walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist cuz of a shooting pain to travel up my arm. He placed my hand on his bulge. I squirmed trying to get away but he held my hand tighter and pressed my hand against himself more.

"This is your punishment" I squirmed more and he continued to press my hand more.

A moan left his lips and I looked up at him in utter confusion and surprise.

Shit. I just made the king moan. I'm so fucking screwed.

He let go of my hand and went and put on a shirt.

(POV: Leo)

Her hand on my bulge made it become more erect and her squirming didn't help that. The movement made it worse and I needed it to go away but I was enjoying myself too much.

I moaned and she looked at me with flushed cheeks and confusion in her eyes. I just smirked at her. She seemed to zone out so I let go of her hand and went to put a shirt on.

"Now,Bunny, I need you to get on with your work. First, change the sheets on the bed. Then clean the bathroom. If you get that done quickly I might let you go." I grabbed her wrist again, pulling her fully into the bedroom. "I suggest you get started."

I left the bedroom and went into the bathroom to deal with my…..situation.

*** *** ***

She began singing as I was in the bathroom. It was beautiful.

I began moaning and grunting quietly to start with as I was dealing with myself, slowly getting louder making sure she could hear. I was imagining her. Me inside her.

I finished up in the bathroom and walked back out to find her almost done changing the bedsheets. I walked out of the room and to the library.