Excuse Me, What?

Annabeth POV

I was having a lousy day, so everyone please strap in. It all started before I even woke up.

"ANNABETH, GET UP THIS INSTANT," screeched Helen from right outside my bedroom. I groaned as I got up and made my way across the room. I cringed while opening the door to deal with the wretched woman. I hated my step-mother for obvious reasons you'll very quickly find out. Sometimes, I wish I had a hat that could turn me invisible so that I wouldn't have to deal with this woman.

"Annabeth, why are you always so lazy and sleeping. Don't you know I have to get to work early on Fridays so you have to make lunch for Matthew and Bobby?"

For a minute, I just stared at the woman in front of me. What did she mean Fridays, I make lunch for them almost every day. I wasn't her real daughter, so I could at least understand her lack of kindness with me, but it ticked me off that she couldn't even mother her own children. The twins deserved better than that. Anyone deserved to have a mother, take it from someone who didn't for the majority of her childhood.

"Helen, I'll be right on that. Don't worry."

"Sometimes, I wonder why you're so useless in this house. If you weren't always singing or dancing, maybe you'd be more attentive."

I bit back an insult. I've learned over time that it was easier to just stay silent. Besides, her words didn't phase me anymore. I decided long ago that her words weren't going to deter me from my dreams. I was in love with musical theatre, and I was gonna pursue that while I still can. I'd rather struggle for my dreams now than hold regrets in the future. One of the reasons I worked so hard at school was to make sure they didn't have a reason to pull me out of singing, dancing, and acting.

I rest of the morning followed my usual schedule. Get ready, pack lunch for the boys, wake them up, force them to get ready, and eat breakfast before catching my ride to school in Thalia's jeep.

Helen did manage to get under my skin, though, as I was in a sour mood all day, which only became worse when I got the news. Piper and I were in the Arts department staring at the sheet on the bulletin board. First, I found the role of Jenny Lind, and then, I found my name, Annabeth Chase. A feeling of dread entered my body when I observed that they didn't line up. I was cast as Charity Barnum rather than the role I desired and was sure of getting.

Piper was celebrating about getting the part of Anne Wheeler before noticing my expression.

"Hey Annabeth, what's wrong," she asked before glancing at the cast list again. "Wait, hold on, how did you not get cast as Jenny Lind. You were the best singer in that room, especially for that song."

"I thought so too, Piper."

"I'm so sorry Annabeth, but at least you got a part, right? You know what screw that, you should march down there and demand why you didn't get the role you deserved."

I smiled at my ever-supportive friend. She truly was someone who always had her friends' backs even if they were in the wrong, and I loved her for it.

"You know what, Piper, that is precisely what I'm gonna do." Maybe it was my pride acting up, but I wanted to know why I didn't get the role that I was confident about. That everyone thought I should get.

Apollo's room is very peculiar as it stood out in this otherwise dull school. His room was bright not only because of the large windows but also the yellow walls. However, I admit that it matched his personality.

"Apollo, I just saw the cast list, and I had some questions," I asked boldly as I gazed at the golden-haired teacher. He was more of a friend to his students than a teacher.

"Ah Yes, congratulations Annabeth. You made a lead yet again. I didn't expect any different from one of my stars. But, I do know why you're here."

"Sir, I just want to know why I didn't get the role I wanted. I even auditioned with Never Enough."

"Annabeth, your audition was one of the best high school performances I've ever seen. All three of us in charge of the musical knew that you were perfect for Jenny Lind. But, when casting some of these roles, my hand was forced by school politics. It was either give her the role or shut down the musical, Annabeth."

I blinked as I took his words in. Suddenly, everything made sense: Rachel. She wanted the role, too. Rachel wasn't a bad singer or actor. In fact, she was quite skilled. However, in this case, I knew what types of strings she must've pulled. Her mother and uncle were on the school board after all; they did have the power to control a few things as unfair as it was.

"It's not fair, Apollo, but um thank you for telling me."

"I know it's not fair Annabeth. Honestly, Mr. Bruner was the most hurt that he had to play the system like this, but what other choice did we have. I do want you to know that you deserved that role in everyone's standards."

"Thanks," I said as I absentmindedly walked out of the classroom.

The air was knocked out of me as something big collided right into me. I immediately lost my balance and landed on the floor with the weight of another person falling on top of me. My eyes widened with shock rather than pain as I stared up at beautiful sea-green eyes. I was stuck both physically and mentally. I was pinned to the floor by Percy's body weight. His arms around the sides of me while his leg nestled in between both of my own. His striking gaze caught me speechless for a second.

Then, I managed to regain my senses and shoved his chest to get him off me. He hadn't even made an effort to get up or help. "Ugh, get off me, Jackson." I screeched, which brought him back to reality.

Percy got up quickly, and for a second, I was caught off guard by the sudden loss of warmth, heat, and comfort, which was very weird. He reached down, taking my hands and pulling me up. I couldn't help but admire his gentleness and the feel of his hands. They were larger than mine obviously, but they also seemed to fit rightly in mine like the missing piece of a puzzle.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. I didn't see you," said Percy as he let go.

"Yea, well where the hell was your head, Jackson. What, daydreaming again?" I knew it was probably an accident. I wasn't making it easy for him, but I was annoyed and angry at everything right now. It was just unfortunate that he's here to get caught up in it.

He huffed in annoyance before smirking. A mischievous glint entering his eyes. "Oh please, Annabeth, don't act like you didn't enjoy me on top of you."

If looks could kill, he would be set in stone right now. "In your dreams, Jackson. Gods, you're so infuriating." I screeched in anger.

He had the audacity to laugh. "I know, and you're a know-it-all, a complete Wise Girl."

"Excuse me, What?"

"Yeah, you always think you know everything. Well, news flash, you're not always right like when you couldn't accept that crashing into you was an accident. Wise Girl is suiting."

"Alright. First, that isn't even an insult. Second, you still crashed into me and refused to get off until I told you. And third, I don't like you so stay away." My voice elevated with each point I made before finally storming off.

"Well, I'm keeping the name Wise Girl, Wise Girl," Percy called after me.

I huffed in annoyance as I stomped towards the cafeteria. I couldn't believe that I unfairly lost my role of Jenny Lind, and I couldn't believe how much I despised Percy."

I ran into yet another person before making it to the cafeteria. He told me some unexpected news before asking me an even more unexpected question.