Truth or Dare?

Percy POV

I was nervous about singing In front of everyone again. Everyone was warming up for practice today where we would be rehearsing A Million Dreams. I was already tired as I had swimming this morning as well as during the last period just a few minutes ago. This new schedule of mine was definitely hard.

Dustin started singing his part after Apollo's directorial notes. He was only singing his part. Then, I would sing mine followed by Wise Girl. Finally, we would put all three voices together and roll out the kinks.

I had practiced for a while yesterday before going to bed, but I still couldn't shake the nerve. Luckily, my voice didn't resemble the nerves that I was feeling. Although, I knew that my face or body language was conveying my nervousness.

Annabeth's performance was the one that pulled everyone's attention. Her voice was amazing like her reputation said. My mouth dropped at how perfect her singing voice was and how ready Annabeth was for her role on just the second day of rehearsal. I felt goosebumps crawl up my arms and back as she finished her part. She looked beautiful, her voice was angelic, and her confidence was off the charts.

"Wise Girl, that was incredible" I whispered to her after she was done.

Annabeth blushed lightly. Her smooth skin turning red around her cheeks. "Thanks, Percy," she said fixing her gaze on her sheet music. You would think someone like her would be used to the compliments, but I guess she was just that humble. I like that quality, though.

As we rehearsed the song together, I was astonished by how our voices melded together. The song was ready in a few tries, and I had to admit that I had a good time singing with Annabeth even in a situation where I had to.

I was packing up my bags when Annabeth complimented me as well. "I am actually impressed with you Percy. You have no experience, and yet, you're holding up quite well."

I shrugged. "We would've been out of here way sooner if it wasn't for me."

"Percy, you should give yourself a lot of credit. You're doing quite well for just starting out. Plus, you got a good voice," she said. I looked over at her. Annabeth's hair was in a ponytail, and she wore minimal makeup. I had to admit Annabeth was attractive, and her compliment made me feel, I don't know, very very good.

I was about to start a conversation when I noticed Rachel. She was standing a few feet behind Annabeth throwing a nasty glare our way. Damn. I looked back to Annabeth quickly and told her thanks, but that I had to go. I did NOT want Annabeth to become an enemy of Rachel's, but a nagging feeling told me it was already too late.


The week passed by with difficulty, but we ended up rehearsing five of the 12 significant songs in the musical. I was finally glad it was Saturday. Grover, Juniper, and I were driving to Piper's house for a movie night, watching The Greatest Showman.

I had been looking over my shoulder all week, and I was finally relaxing a little bit.

Gabe's presence again was bad news, but it was a relief that he didn't confront us again. Gabe was a monster, and I wouldn't let him hurt anyone. But, I also didn't want to deal with him, so I was silently praying that he only called to scare us and nothing else.


"Hey everyone, we should all play truth or dare before the movie," squealed Piper after an hour of just hanging out and eating. There were a few groans, but no one could say no to Piper's pleading voice. It was like she had some sort of superpower: an ability to convince people to do stuff.

The game started off pretty slow and dull. This was the first time that two separate friends groups were coming together to hang out. The circle consisted of me, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Thalia, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Grover, and Juniper. A few truths came and a few dares went (first kiss story, current crush, dance goofily, balance on just your head, etc), but nothing substantial happened. At least, not until it was Leo's turn to give a dare to Jason.

Leo was always the prankster and troublemaker even more than I was, and that personality shined with his dare. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in this room."

"Okay. that's not that-"

"Who is of the same sex as you," Leo finished.

I choked on my soda as laughs and coos erupted around the living room. Jason's face was priceless as he immediately turned red. Jason's wasn't as socially adapted as Leo or me, so I knew this would be bad for my friend.

"I suppose you can choose the male, but it's gotta last five seconds."

"I AM NOT DOING THIS," Jason exclaimed, and more laughter filled the room.

"Jason, a dare is a dare. Besides, with this dare, I have nothing to worry about. Come on, babe, just pick someone," his girlfriend replied smiling. I was surprised, but at the same time, this was too funny.

"I, uh, I guess Percy."

I spit my drink out onto my arms as I coughed in surprise. "Woah, hold on, why me? Why are you punishing me?"

"Who else am I supposed to choose? Nico, it'll get complicated, Leo (hell no), and Frank would die." There was logic behind his words. But, it was so awkward as we situated ourselves in front of each other.

Jason started complaining again, his socially awkward side coming out immediately. Everyone was screaming to just do the dare.

"Oh my god, Jason it's not that big a deal," I exclaimed before planting my lips on his. Honestly, I didn't feel anything but weirdness. This wasn't very comfortable for me, but I kissed him nonetheless so that we could move on.

I pulled away as soon as I counted five while Jason just sat in the same position, his lips still slightly moving. "Woah man, that's enough," I chastised as I took a chug of my soda and rinsed my mouth.

Laughter and cheers erupted through the room as Jason reddened even more. I laughed along at Jason's expression, but I'm definitely not doing that ever again.

The game got excited after that, but there were only a few of us left to go. Annabeth had already done her dare. What she didn't know was that I secretly recorded her dancing goofily. Piper was loading the movie onto the tv as my turn came up. I was the last to go.

"Alright Percy, truth or dare?" asked Thalia. I was nervous about Thalia. She was savage, but I accepted a dare, regardless.

"Percy, I dare you to do a lap in Piper's pool outside." Silence for a few seconds.

"Woah, Thalia, it's actually quite cold outside. The water's gonna be freezing. I don't think that's such a good idea," Annabeth said. I looked over in surprise.

Nonetheless, I accepted the dare, and we all walked outside. We were nearing the end of October, and it was much chillier today compared to normal.

"I can't believe you're doing this. What are you smirking at, Percy?" asked Annabeth.

"Nothing, just that you care about me Wise Girl" I replied, which earned a punch on the arm. I don't know why but I really liked that she was concerned.

I stripped down to my boxers as the cold breeze attacked my skin from all sides. Some of the girls, including Annabeth, were checking me out, and I threw a wink their way. I knew years of swim training had toned and tanned my body. I looked to Wise Girl (her blonde hair and grey eyes glistening in the moonlight) and gave her a gentle smile to tell her not to worry.

I took a deep breath and dived into the freezing ice water.