Are We Good?

Percy POV

I threw myself into swimming, and I threw myself into the musical. Dealing with the work was easier and better than dealing with my screwed up emotions right now.

My feelings for Annabeth didn't go away but neither did the pain from her insult. As such, it hurt every time I saw her. It hurt that I couldn't be with her and talk to her despite being so close to her. I thought that Annabeth didn't want to be with me. After all, who wanted to be with someone they thought of as a bad person.

They say that time heals all wounds. I'm sure that it's true, but they forget to mention the amount of time. It's been a month, yet I was still messed up. Also, my and Annabeth's relationship certainly wasn't healed. If anything, the distance grew.


I stepped out of the locker room with my bags so that I could get to rehearsal on time. My hair was more wet than usual today and was dripping onto my t-shirt. I didn't have ample time to dry it today because Apollo said I had to be on time.

"Percy, I wanted to talk to you before you leave for rehearsal," Coach Hedge exclaimed boldly.

"Coach, I'm actually in a hurry right now."

"Jackson, I just want to know when your play's opening day is."

I stared at Coach in shock. I never expected him, a major macho man, to be interested in attending a musical. We had about a month of preparation time left before having to perform. There were so many things we still had to work on and fix. I didn't know how we would be stage ready in a month, but I suppose everyone felt that way with any performance.

"It's on March 29th, on a Friday."

"Oh, I cannot make that day, Percy, but I promise that I'll make it to one of the shows."

"Thanks, Coach."

"Jackson, you should know that Districts is that Saturday."

"I know Coach. I don't think I'll be able to ride with the team on Friday, but I'll definitely be there to compete on Saturday."

Districts were the second level (technically, third) in a series of competitions. It was a single-day competition amongst all the schools in the nearby counties. The swimmers' performance at districts would determine who'd make it to Regionals, and then, States.

The team usually rode together to Districts, Regionals, and States the day before. Obviously, I couldn't ride with the team to Districts because of the musical. However, my mom or Paul could drive me to Districts early Saturday morning.


Rehearsal was buzzing with activity today. Mr. Bruner was helping multiple groups of cast members perfect some scenes. Meanwhile, Miss Artemis and Apollo were waiting for me on stage. Annabeth and Dustin were also there.

That could only mean one thing. We would be practicing the dance to A Million Dreams. It was something that I wasn't looking forward to because I'd be dancing a fluid duet with Annabeth. The choreography involved slow sensual movements and close proximity (sometimes, very close proximity and touch between me and Annabeth).

Dustin performed his part first, and he did quite well. He had less dancing and more storytelling for his two and half minutes, but his performance was effortless and very good. Dustin would easily be someone capable of snagging a lead role when he becomes a junior or senior.

Then, Annabeth and I were called on stage. As soon as my part started on A Million Dreams, we would start our fluid dance number.

"Alright, Percy and Annabeth, your dance starts by walking onto stage happily and dreamily at the exact moment that Dustin steps off and you start singing, Percy." Miss Artemis started to explain the choreography.

It was hard to act with Annabeth right next to me. She was a natural at acting, but I couldn't even get myself to smile like we were a happy couple when there was so much pain/tension between us.

"Percy, come on. This is just the beginning. There's going to be a lot more lovey chemistry and romantic touch as the song progresses," Apollo said.

I was trying my best as we went through the choreography slowly, but it was hard. I was hyper-aware of Annabeth's hand in mine. I felt the warmth radiating off her body as we danced together. We had only gotten through a few verses when I paused on one knee with a fake ring-box in my hands. It was a part of the dance (a proposal we had to model) right before Annabeth starts to sing.

That was when Apollo called a break, which I was grateful for. However, I could tell that Miss Artemis and Apollo weren't that happy with our performance, yet.

As I was getting a drink backstage, I heard her melodious voice talking to me.

"Your hair is wet, Seaweed Brain, and it's soaking my sleeves."

I choked on my water as I looked at her. She looked as beautiful as ever, obviously, but her stormy grey eyes were gleaming with hope as she continued to gaze at me.

I couldn't even hide my smile. Wise Girl was talking to me. Also, the first real thing she says to me since our fight blew up our relationship was a complaint about my hair.

"No one told you to touch my hair, Wise Girl."

Her smile grew and emphasized her angelic features. "Seaweed Brain, I kinda have to touch your hair and neck if I want to do this dance number unless you want me to fall on my ass."

"That would be a funny scene to watch," I said, which earned me a playful punch.

"Ow, Wise Girl, this is not how you treat your leading man."

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain," she said laughing.

Our gazes locked as soon as both of our laughs died down. Gods I missed her voice, her smile, and her laugh. I missed us.

"Percy, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of it, okay. I was angry, and I wrongfully snapped at you." She paused before continuing, "I know you're an incredible person, Seaweed Brain. I shouldn't have doubted that for even one second, and I'm so sorry."

I just watched her. Given her pride and stubbornness, I knew that it was difficult for her to apologize first. It felt amazing to know that Annabeth didn't think awfully about me. It felt so good to know that she still liked me and thought of me as "an incredible person."

"Annabeth, I'm sorry too." I sighed before letting out a small chuckle. "Wise Girl, are we good?"

"Yeah, we're great. Thank the gods," she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. The embrace caught me off guard, but I hugged her back within a second. She felt so good.

"Alright, break's over my talents!" Apollo called loudly from the stage.

Annabeth pulled away, but her smile stayed on her face. "Seaweed Brain, you better not come out without drying your hair a little more."

With that, she sashayed back towards the stage. I did as I was told before following her back.

The rest of rehearsal went much better. I was more comfortable with doing the dance number. The lifts, holding hands, carrying her in my arms, twirling her around, embracing her from behind all became more natural.

The second to last move (that came when I sang my extended note) involved me placing my hands on her waist and lifting her above my head. Then, I would place her back down very slowly. We were both smiling as I lowered her down slowly. Our bodies were connected as she came down into my arms, breathing softly. Her face was inches from my own for a few seconds.

Finally, I had to move behind her and slide my hands over her waist and stomach, effectively locking her in an embrace from behind. As her body snuggled back against my own and my grip tightened around her, it was like something was falling back into its rightful place.

That was my favorite dance move in the entire musical (for obvious reasons you could say).

As the next several days passed, I felt like everything was going back to the way it was. Annabeth and I became closer again. Our fight and distance only emphasized how much I never wanted to separate from Wise Girl again.