You Love Me?

Annabeth POV

It's been two days since Percy left for States, and I was already missing him so much. It's been 6 weeks since we've gotten together and almost a month since our first official date in the park. Percy wouldn't be back for another three days. The whole week felt like an eternity.

The honk beeped for a second time. Thalia was very impatient when she was the driver. I quickly grabbed my purse before making my way out.

Thalia, Piper, Hazel, Juniper, and I were going out for a girls' night. We didn't have school tomorrow, which was why we were going out on a Thursday night.

"Girls, I'm so excited for the crew party on Sunday," Piper said squealing.

Everyone cheered in response. The entire cast of the musical as well as our directors were having a party in the auditorium. Our last show was held on Monday. We produced the show for two months because of its popularity around the city. We had at least 70% attendance at every show.

"Hey Annabeth, did Percy say he's coming to the party?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, we kind of need him being the lead and all," Hazel said smiling.

I sighed. "I'm honestly not sure. First, I'm not even sure if they'll come back home on time. Second, he's probably gonna be exhausted."

"I think he'll make it," Thalia said confidently.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because his lovesickness will force him to see/kiss Annabeth sooner rather than later."

The girls giggled and laughed as my face turned slightly red. I still couldn't get around some of my friends' jokes. Just then, my phone started to ring.

"Oh, speak of the devil," Thalia said smirking while looking at the phone in my hands. Percy's caller ID popped up while facetime was ringing. Percy was so sweet. He tried to call me at least twice every day despite how busy he probably was. He already called three times today, but I was expecting another call, regardless.

"Give me the phone," Piper squealed as she snatched my phone before I could answer.

"Wait, Piper, give it back." She shushed me before accepting the call.

"Hey, Perce."

"Oh, Piper, why are you on my girlfriend's phone?" he asked in surprise. Oh my god, I thought as I turned back around in the passenger seat and crossed my arms.

"Percy, we're having a girls' night, which you already know about. Percy, you cannot call your girlfriend while she's with her friends on a girls' night."

"Uh, I didn't know I guess. Can I talk to her real quick?"

"No, you can't Percy, sorry," Juniper said into the phone.

"Besides she went into the store and forgot her phone in the car." What the hell are my friends up to?

"Oh." I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Woah, you're that depressed to talk to us. Wow, Percy."

"No, I-"

"You know what, Percy. This is the best time to give you the talk. I swear to god that if you ever hurt our friend, Annabeth, we'll throw you off a cliff," Piper said it so believable.

"Why would I hurt Wise Girl?" he asked.

"Swear that you won't ever hurt her. Swear it right now, and we'll believe you!" All my friends were smiling like idiots as they joked around with my boyfriend.

"Oh my god. Ok fine, I swear." He paused before continuing. "I love Annabeth, so I'll never hurt her or leave her. Ever. I love her more than anything."

I could hear the sincerity in his voice as I sat there in shock. My friends were equally surprised as they all sat there, saying nothing. I quickly turned and took the phone.

"Seaweed Brain, you love me?"

"Oh my god, wait, what is this?" His hands rubbed his face as he sighed.

He faced the camera again with a smile. "Yeah, Wise Girl, I love you."

I stared at my boyfriend for a second. He wasn't perfect, but he was perfect for me. Percy would always be the perfect person for me.

"I love you, too, Seaweed Brain."


"Oh my god, guys. Did y'all hear the news?" Jason asked loudly. We were at the cast party on Sunday, and most of us were grabbing food. Everyone, except for Percy, had made it.

Mr. Bruner was smiling brightly as he scanned whatever page was open on the laptop.

"Jason, what happened?" Piper asked.

"Percy ranked 3rd in the state, and he didn't even tell us. That jerk," Jason said laughing.

Cheering and applause filled the room. Percy called me early this morning, saying that they'd leave after the awards ceremony today. However, he didn't call after that. He had texted from a friend's phone to tell me that they were on their way back home. Apparently, he didn't charge his phone last night.

He ranked 9th in the state last year as a sophomore, which was quite impressive. Now, as a junior, he was the 3rd best teenage swimmer in the entire state. This was such incredible news, especially because I knew how hard he worked this year.

"Jason, where'd you get the news?" I asked. I wondered how did he know about Percy before I did.

"Oh, it's on the school webpage. Front and center because of how big a deal it is."



I was in the hallway going back to the auditorium when someone else's hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who," a male voice whispered. I immediately turned, grabbed the person's wrist, and flipped them onto the ground. It was an easy self-defense move I had learned a few months ago.

I was about to kick the person when I noticed his raven-black hair and sea-green eyes. Percy was groaning softly on the ground.

"Seaweed Brain, why would you scare me like that?" I half-shouted.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," he said while wincing. I went down to help him up, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me down onto him.

"Ow, Seaweed Brain, what are you doing?"

"You look so beautiful today, and I wanted you in my arms."

Well, mission accomplished, I thought. Percy was laying on the cold floor with me on top of him. His hands were wrapped around my waist. My hands were resting on his chest as I looked at him. He looked so satisfied and happy.

"I missed you a lot," he said before kissing me.

"Yeah, me too, Seaweed Brain. Congratulations on your performance in States."

He kissed me again as his grip tightened around me. "I love you, Wise Girl. I wish the first time I said it was in person."

"I love you, too, and I don't care when or how you say it. I just want to hear it forever."

"You will. I promise," he said softly with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

We sealed the promise with an affectionate kiss.

Our friends barged into the hallway before we were done. "He just got back, and you're already at it. Wow," our friends exclaimed excitedly. Seaweed Brain and I only laughed as we got up. As long I was with Percy and our amazing friends, my life would be filled with happiness and laughter and love.