Alexa started her 4th grade normally but one night while she's sleeping her grandmother noticed that she isn't breath for 3 mins so the next day they went to Alexa's doctor for a checkup the doctor said she needs to go under some test first to see the problem. The next couple of week alexa went to alot of hospitals for her tests including Laboratory, X- ray, EEG, ECG and To the echo. but at last she finished the test and she only needs some exercise. At october there was this school play was Harry Potter alexa auditioned for the role of ginny and few days later she got the role of Hermione. As Always alexa celebrates her birthday at home but before that her classmates sang her a happy birthday. December came and its time for christmas, like last year they had a secret santa but alexa was so lucky because her crush got her she was so happy and excited at the same time. at the party she got books alexa loves books alot. As always alexa her mom and sister celebrating christmas and new year with her cousin. Then after new year she went back to school at first she was ok but few weeks later she always cried alot because her classmates starts bullying her thats where her depression starts. Trhee months pass and alexa was so thankful that 4th grade is done.